I'm not quite sure how to do this...
I have Table A which has 100,000 records but no names and I have Table B which is made up of 30,000 records previously pulled from Table A and manually filled in Name fields, but whoever pulled it forgot to pull the ZipCode field, so now I need to populate...
I want to move all fields of all records that have a duplicate email address to another table so that I can sort through those at my leisure while still having the previous table without any duplicates for email blasts. I have this code to find duplicate email records, but I'm not sure how to...
I have a ZipCode field that needs to be an integer for query purposes, but it lops off the leading zeroes on zips like 03421. Is there a way to make it allow leading zeroes other than changing the datatype to char?
Thanks! You're right, I didn't need it.
Cleaned up my code is this...
Select a.Email,
from dbo.t_contacts a
(select Email
from dbo.t_contacts
group by Email
having count(*) > 1) b
on a.Email = b.Email
order by a.Email
How do I put it into code like this..
Select cast(a.Email as char(20)) as Email,
convert(char(8),a.FirstName,110) as FirstName,
from dbo.t_contacts a
(select Email
I have a very messy database that I'm trying to sort through.
I need to find the records that have duplicates, manually ensure that one record has ALL of the information, then manually delete the extras. So say for example, I want to find ALL the records with duplicate email addresses and view...
That was EASY! Thanks again George.
For the other poster...
We need a column that only contains 5 digit zip codes to do a radius search by zip. All other postal codes are copied in a separate column for mailing. (including canada)
Thanks George, I got it to work.
NOW I just need to know how to turn zips from
How do I delete the last 5 characters from an entry?
I'm trying to delete all zip code data that doesn't conform to the USA standard 5 digit zip in column ZipCode.
Currently the column contains zips and postal codes in a wide variety of formats...
V0N 1B0
97217, OR
Ideally, I would like to delete all the zip codes...
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