O.K. I created another query using the distinct function and it correctly gives me distinct types by month.
However, If I use the Dcount function in my report, it's counting all the unique types for all months from the query. The report itself already sorts the occurrence of types by month...
I apologize, unique is probably the incorrect term here. I want a count of how many times Campsite appears for the month, a count of how many times membership appears for the month, etc.
Memberships Campsites Permits
22 15 10...
O.K., so now my query has a single date field and a field to tell me which payment type. On to the next problem . . . how do I count the number of unique values in a query output column? In my query I have two columsn, one named "Type" and the other named "SortDate". Type contains 5 uniqe...
Remou, thanks for your help !!! I'm so close I can taste it. I have one final question. My union query now shows one date field, but because I've brought in all the variables such as membership, permit & campsite; I can no longer tell which date actually applies to which payment. I want to...
I'm not sure I follow you. I think I was going down the same road yesterday but couldn't make it work. I was trying to rename the three different date fields to a single common name (i.e. Date) in a union query, but the query won't let me use the same alias for the three different date fields.
I'm trying to create a report that sorts on three different date fields by month. I'm creating a membership database where members could pay for their membership, campsite & building permits at three different times. The database keeps three different date fields for each payment type. I want...
Thanks for you help, I must be close but I'm getting a run-time error.
Private Sub txt_primary_last_name_AfterUpdate()
If DCount("*", "tblBanned", "[banned_last_name] = " & """" & txtLastName & """" & " AND [banned_first_name] = " & """" & txtFirstName & """") > 0 Then
MsgBox "The...
I've created a membership database, and I have a list of people who have been banned from membership. I want my users to be aware when they are entering a member name that they may be entering an individual who has been banned. My idea is to create a new table called "banned" with the first...
I recently bought a new PC, and removed the HD from my old PC. I hooked the old HD up to my new PC as a secondary drive so that I can copy my old files onto my new PC.
I was hoping I could import my existing Outlook email (history, saved mail, etc) and address book from the old HD into my...
Thanks for everyone's help, I really appreciate it. In the end I took Cosmo Kramers suggestion which worked great !!!
I hope everyone has a healthy and happy holiday(s) !!!
I tried both suggestions and I'm still getting an error.
When I change the control source from =200 to just 200, and view the report, Access prompts me with a popup for the value of 200.
If I change the control souce in my total box to =Sum(200), I still get an error??
I've tried a number of...
Thanks for the info, but I can't seem to make that work. My first text box has controlsource =200 and a name Family Cost
The text box I'm using to total the family cost has a control source of =Sum ([Family Cost]), but I'm receiving a #error? I've also tried =Sum (Family Cost) but...
In a report I've created a text box with a data source of =200. So for all records the text box will always contain 200 and it's formated as currency. I want to create a text box in the footer that totals all the $200.00 entries? Can someone tell me how to do this? I can't figure how to...
Thanks Golum !!! I used the VB code you gave me and changed the check boxes to option boxes inside a frame. The combination therein, is exactly what I was looking for !!!
I'm an Access newbie, so please bear with me. I have two check boxes (Single Membership & Family Membership). I only want one to be checked for a given individual. If one is checked the other must remain unchechecked. Can someone tell me how to do this?
Also, upon checking one of these...
I have a database that stores Membership Numbers, and I have a query that a user can search for a member by their membership number. Is there a way my query can return the Record Number for that member in the database ?
I am trying to develop a "Search" function for my database that is accomplished by a Query.
I have created 3 unbound text boxes that the Query will run from. For example, I have a "Member Number" text box, a "Member Last Name" text box and a "Vehicle...
In my form I have Make & Model combo boxes. What I want to have happen is when a user selects a make (i.e. Honda or Yamaha), the model combo box will list only models associated with the Make selected. I have built a table called Make_Model that lists all the combinations of makes and models...
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