actually i went through msdn, my problem was mainly that i couldnt find something related to my RC file, but of course your help was very valuable, and gave me insight about many things didnt corss my mind.
thanx again
thanks again
i dont want to get annoying but i meant the location of the control in the window, i am using an .RC file for my controls but i couldnt find something about progress bars
Basic reason is that i am embedded applications programmer, not windows one, and i need this now onlz for this project and for simple sample application.
thanks very much for the reply...
i guess it is something very useful....
but i can't use it rather than to implement something similar..
wish me luck,
still if any one have ideas its more than welcome,
Hi all,
On paper i have to do some arithmetic on large numbers, 1024 bits or more, including multiplication, division, power ...etc,
of course in C the largest variable i have is 32 bits,
does this mean that i have store my numbers in arrays and implement my own operators? (i.e. do the...
Hi all,
I am programming a windows application in C (not C++), and so far with basic controls things are going fine,
But now i need to use a Progress Bar in my application. and things dont seem to work good.
i need your help since all examples i saw uses C++.
And hear from you soon
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