I have this applet and he works quite nicely. When I leave the page and "browse the net", I decide to come back to my applet. The applet is no longer nice and decides not to work. After experimenting, I found that if I "clear classloader cache" by choosing "x" on...
Thanks for the advice. Yes, both where using java 1.4. The problem turned out being a null pointer b/c it couldnt find my .gif image for my label. Netscape worked with a relative file address, but I had to put in the full IP URL to get IE to read the address of the gif. Unfortunately, my...
I created an applet that will run fine on netscape. I try to run the same applet on internet explorer and I get the following message in my java console:
at DApplet.start(DApplet.java:81)
at sun.applet.AppletPanel.run(Unknown Source)
Well I only really needed to search by the 1st word. So I read in all the lines of the file (the entire line) into an array of structures with a single entry. Then if I came across a variable in the code section I used strncmp() to find the word in the structure. Then when I found...
I have to read in this file. It consists of a name, size, type, value, and address. I want to read in this file and store the different values into a structure so i can search it later in the program.
MAX 2 bytes hex 10 0000
What I am doing is reading in a line and...
need help! I'm having problems with ActionListener. I don't know how to have mulitiple action listeners in the same program. This is probably very easy to do but I'm fairly new to java (only new C before this program).
here is my program so far:
1) click on the applet and will create a...
Can someone pleez help me out here.
For the int:
I tried using fputs(), but this gave me a warning and then a core dump. Then I tried it using fputc() but it gave me '^F' character????????. These are the only 2 functions in my book for file writing. Can I cast it? If so, how.
For the...
Thank You Mr. Bobbiitts!!!
Okay, have a new problem.
i get file line,
FileLine = "\t NAME\t BYTE\t $"Your Name"\t #comment
I read in this line and tokenize it by whitespace as I did above. I put the "NAME" and "BYTE" into a table. This is no problem...
Be prepared......I'm a newbie.
I have a problem. I have a file I have to read in and parse it depending upon white space.
Ex) #comment
I read this line in using fgets() into a string array. I then use an output pointer to do a string tokenizer.
After the eliminating the frontal...
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