Would somebody be kind enough to write a code to get the info from this webpage and send an email if the prob 1 is higher than 75?
Probe 1|73.6|Probe 2|-99.9|Probe 3|-99.9|Probe 4|-99.9
thank you,
At this point we are just trying to do the diff command without using the statements after pipe, but we still get the empty file:
/usr/bin/diff /Volumes/Housing/UCSB\ Files/SIMSR/SIMD07-old.txt /Volumes/Housing/UCSB\ Files/SIMSR/SIMD07_depiped.txt | > /Volumes/Housing/UCSB\...
thanks kevin,
but the diff statement doesn't work in this situaltion and the dir_toimport file that we get is empty, although there is a significant size diffrences between these two files. what can be wrong with the diff statment?
I am inherting this automated script from the old sys admin, Would anybody please explain that to me? I do get this file called SIM07.txt every night, it would be depiped and this depiped file being compared to last night file and the diffrence being imported to our system, anyway this...
but unfortunalty I don't know why fish'es script doesn't work with my file (the output is empty) although trojan script works fine, but still trying to figure out how to remove ^M and integrade that with trojan's script.
how can i combine this search and replacement s/\cM/\n/g with...
another quick questions: how can i combine this search and replacement s/\cM/\n/g with the script that you guys gave that to me:
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
while(<>) {
my @fields = split /","/,$_,-1;
$fields[3] =~ tr[-][/];
$fields[4] =~ tr[-][/];
print join('","'...
ok here is some an example:
I would like the / replces - but not effecting the last name, in above example I would like lee-lee stays like that. so it would like...
I am not a programmer and I just need to replace some chracters. Here is the story: our db exports this file that includes name, last name and some dates, Due to user error, date fields are including - instead of /. would you please kind enough to tell me where I can find these codes...
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