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Search results for query: *

  1. Dijkstra30

    save DefaultStyledDocument in mysql db

    I want to save a DefaultStyledDocument in mysql db. Some say that can be saved directly in a blob column, others transform it to ObjectOutputStream. I managed to save something in the database both ways but i don't know if it is the right way because i can't read it. DefaultStyledDocument m_doc...
  2. Dijkstra30

    JScollPane resize viewport

    sorry about that. it won't happen again.
  3. Dijkstra30

    JScollPane resize viewport

    Is it possible to change the viewport's size of a JScrollPane as client's size change?
  4. Dijkstra30

    JScrollPane resize viewport

    Is it possible to resize the viewport of a JScrollPane as client size changes?
  5. Dijkstra30

    resizable scrollpane

    Hello there! I have a tabbedPane. Each tab contains a scrollPane. Each scrollPane has variable sized editors. If i set the scrollPane to a smaller preferred size it's not ok for the longer editors:a scroll bar appears even if there is enough space below for the entire editor. If i set it...
  6. Dijkstra30

    Change panels content

    I am trying to build a panel like this: - it contanins a JSplitPane - at the left I have a tree - list of employees - at the right I have a panel which displays a "dialog" depending on the three selection - info about employees. I want to replace that dialog with a new created one...
  7. Dijkstra30

    Expandable Forms

    A simple desktop app form like: ------------------------------------- Firstname: [______________] Lastname: [______________] [Details>>][Save] ------------------------------------- And when i click the Details button the form should look like this...
  8. Dijkstra30

    Expandable Forms

    Suppose there are some data fields I am about to edit. On the form, I can click an OK button to save data or an ADVANCED>> button which will expand the form with 3 more fields (for example). Is there anything that can help me implement this type of scenario?
  9. Dijkstra30

    How do I set my RollingFileAppender to roll every day?

    I want to set my RollingFileAppender to create a new file every day, not when it reaches to a specific size. How do i do this in log4j.properties file? I found suggestions like this: log4j.appender.ROLLING.rollingPolicy=TimeBasedRollingPolicy...
  10. Dijkstra30

    creating xmlns:xsi and xsi:type "atributes"

    Hello, How do i create an element like this with xslt? <myElement xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:type="Herb" aType="Placeboom"> I mention that the xml I want to transform into this does not contain xmlns:xsi or xsi:type. I googled a lot but i did not find a...
  11. Dijkstra30

    Need help with dinamic lists

    until now my dinamic lists were defined as follows: typedef struct obj { int info; struct obj *left, *right; }; the pointers *left, *right point to objects of the same type. Now... I want to create a class of these kind of objects Let's say this class look like this (if i'm...
  12. Dijkstra30

    i am having an executuion error

    I chose a "Hello World Application" from the New Menu and i can't execute it. The error message is: fatal error C1010: unexpected end of file while looking for precompiled header directive
  13. Dijkstra30

    i am having an executuion error

    I chose a "Hello World Application" from the New Menu and i can't execute it. The error message is: fatal error C1010: unexpected end of file while looking for precompiled header directive

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