THere is no other table with the same name in other schemas. What I cannont understand from the event monitor output is that the query is executed twice.
In the first instance, the SQLCODe and sqlstate both are zeros. As there is only one row in the table, I presume, the SQLCODE 100 is...
I've tried setting it up from the GUI as well. I tried with both SQLID and CLISCHEMA as well but the response remains the same.
I tried running a trace on ODBC. Nothing was generated from the trace.
I had an event monitor running on the data and I'm pasting the contents below...
I'm trying to query a table from my message broker. As the schemas are different,
Earlier, without the schema name, I was getting exceptions by my message flow.
To avoid this, I had to hard code the schema name in my code.
In order to avoid the hard coding, I added the CurrentSchema...
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