I have a sql string which exceds one line, it is coming to second line, hwto get this.
strD = " SELECTE STATEMENT......................." _
strD = " FROM ..........." _
strD = " WHERE ............"
is it correct?
I have my Option Group Value = Null, and I want to check with if condition that when this value is NULL do some action. But the error is the if condition does not execute, it goes to else part. May I know how to check this value, or is there any other method/trik.
OptGp.Value =...
Thanks for the reply,
hello remou, I need that SQL statement, but it does not work.
I didnot uderstand what the code is give. or how shall I implement that.
Qhat is the SQL commad/function to find out how many spaces are there in a string.?
EX: Name: <- FieldName
Kat Rome <- row data
Cleo Rome <- row data
Patra Rome <- row data
Me at Rome <- row data
I want to find out in the data, how many spaces are there.
ex: Kat Rome : 1 space...
I am just interested in AfterUpdate Procedure like faciltiy for WebBrowser.
That is : when I update any value in Textbox, I call Update and get the value out of it, the same functionality I am interested in.
Could you help me in this way...Thanks
Hello All,
I have placed a WebBrowser activeX Control. Inside which I display a .htm file. This .htm file has two textboxes and one option group. I need to access them, ie, what ever the data value I type in those textboxes and select the optiongroup value, I need to store in database...
Hello Orion45,
I have exactly the same problem to create the control dynamically at run time on the same form.
Can I have the helping hand from you! Thanks
* VBA MS-ACCESS coding *
I have a form with command button placed. When I click this button, I need to create/ add two new textboxes and one optiongroup on the same form where button exits at RUNTIME.
Help required immediately.Thanks
* VBA Coding for MS-ACCESS
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