Why isn't this query working? It's returning all three nodes, but should only be returning 1.
autoforms/fields/*[not(contains(../../forms/@id,@dependantforms)) and contains(@memberforms,'JoinDomain')]
It should return the fields nodes where the memberforms attribute contains JoinDomain, but...
I tested contains with an XPath query analyzer and it works! Great!
Ok, last question how do I combine two filter expressions?
Thanks Jon,
Would it work to do a contains in the filter expression?
The reason being, although not clear in my posted xml, the dependant forms attribute could be dependantforms="ServerName,ServerChecklist"
Hello folks. I'm fairly new to xml, so I'm not sure if what I am try to do is even possible.
Basicallly I have the following XML (see below) and I'm trying to filter all the fields where the attribute dependatforms = the forms id attribute.
Attempted XPath query...
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