Sorry for the lack of information and thanks for your responses, The web page is not for general public use, what I am doing is collecting data from machines situated around the world which connect to my web page via 3G wireless modems, because my web page will only have a samll number of fields...
Hi all, i am a total Newbie to Html and as such have a Very Limited knowledge, -- The Problem-- i am trying to create a web page that has 10 data fields in tables or input boxes that can be edited and changed by any of the systems logged in to the web page, The test I wrote only changed the data...
Thanks, it appears to be a problem with LOC(#) not returning the correct line number at the end of file, I have used a variable increment and read the lines in to this value, works fine, don't understand why LOC(#) is not giving me the correct value.
Thanks all for help.
I have a text file that I am opening using
Open myfile.txt for Input as #1
I am then doing some text movement with a loop using
Do Until (EOF(1) = True)
Line Input #1, Variablelist
PROBLEM the text file I am opening is 1600 lines, when I use
Loc(1) to find the length of file I have...
I have just wrote a program using info from a Database, it ran fine , then suddenly stopped working and my VB no longer understands the keyword .DataBase giving me the error "User defined type not defined" when I
Dim dbMYDb as DataBase
the DataBase and other relative functions ie Recordset...
I have linked an Excel workbook to a flexgrid using a data control, the workbook is a 3rd party's and is updated by their scada system, the problem is all of the columns have got "general format" and one of the columns has a mixture of number only and alpha numeric, if the data in row 1 of this...
Thanks for that, had got that bit already sorted, because each frame has 16 checkboxes on it, I was hoping I could do a frame copy which would include its contained object arrays, but that would of been too easy.
Thanks again.
I can create frames on my form with the "Load" statement, but how do I create objects within the new frames again using the Load statement. I have a frame with an array of 16 check boxes, this frame requires to be duplicated 10 or more times and selected by SStab, the number of duplicate frames...
The value of the autoredraw on both pic boxes are set to true, it appears that when the image is copied it moves "pixels" that are displayed, from the image coordinates whether the picbox is visible or on top, and it does not move the image that is contained within the picbox. Does this sound right?
Just a quick question, this only appears to work if the picbox the image is being transferred from is visible and on top, if there is anything covering the picbox then this is what gets rotated, is there a way around this? other than the obvious making the picbox visible=false after the transform.
Amazing, that last line of code sorted it. would never of found that one myself, thanks again...your right about the speed of your transform code much quicker than mine and working great in my routine now (royalties to follow), just a twiddle with the X and Y's to suit my pic size, brilliant...
Thanks have not tried your code yet strongm, in theory my own routine should work, even though slow it may be, autoredraw is already set to true for the destination picbox and even after the picbox.refresh the contents still do not appear in the printed image?
I have created a Bitmap image into a picbox from an ascii string, I have to rotate this through 90deg, which I have done using pset and placed the result into another picbox, it works fine and displays on the screen great, but if I print the form using me.printform the picbox is empty, and if I...
Ok sorted thanks, changed my tabstrip from the one in Common Controls to the MS Tab control & it works fine, thanks again for pointing me in the right direction.
How do I force a tab to be the selected Tab on form load, by default Tab1 is always on top but I want to change the starting tab depending on the last tab selected.
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