Hi Z1,
You may also look into the following link (which is basically the same process that George answered):
Hi Austin,
Here's a link that provides a function in computing the age given a birth date and the current date:
To use it in your query:
CASE WHEN [dbo].[ufn_GetAge] ( CAST([Birth_Date] AS
You can find in the following link a function that will return the first day of the week for the given date parameter. The output depends on what is set as the first day of the week (@@DATEFIRST)
To use it to get Monday, if...
Hi Jeremy,
One option that you can do is if @DOW = 0, then it means that the user wants all the days for that week. Given this, your query will be as follows:
where (DATEPART(dw,e.adm_date)LIKE @DOW OR @DOW = 0) and
e.adm_date >=@startdate AND e.adm_date<=@ENDdate
On another note, if you...
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