I am a beginner user of MS Access. So far created a time tracking DB for project hours. It records hours spent by staff, generates managerial reports for project hours and several other employee specifice reports.
I need to create a Purchase Order (PO) Managment DB. My Objective is to track...
Dear Mrdenny:
Thanks for the tips. I am sorry but I don't know what did you mean by the last statement. How to have the front end total and display?
I am a beginner user of MS Access. So far created a time tracking DB for project hours with some help from some of you. It records hours spent by staff, generates managerial reports for project hours and several other employee specifice reports.
This next request is rather too long to...
1) I used this instead and it worked: =Sum(nz([Mon],0)+nz([Tue],0)+nz([Wed],0)+nz([Thu],0)+nz([FRI],0))
Is it not a right way to do so?
2) I tried adding the “Title” field as a Row Heading and ran into problem. Didn’t work for me. How to use dlookup() formula. Title is a text field.
It worked! It worked! Thank you so much. I had to tweak a few things here and there. For Example, instead of a Start Date, I chose Week Ending date. This required several modifications, but everything is working great with one exception.
1. I couldn't get the Grand Total to display...
I can see the difference in grouping. And I understand what you explained about Mon Tue etc. But I am not getting hours restricted between a specific Mon and Fri.
As I mentioned before it pulls all the hours from time unknown and does not restrict hours between the dates. I believe the...
I have exactly what you had in the record source of the report. I added "JobNumber" and Sat & Sun and DateWorked.
TRANSFORM Sum(EmployeeHour.Hours) AS SumOfHours SELECT Employee.EmployeeID, EmployeeHour.ProjectID, Projects.JobNumber, Projects.ProjectName, EmployeeHour.DateWorked FROM Projects...
1) No this one didn’t work. But I found a different way.
I created a Macro to open the Report called “WeeklyTimeSheet”, added a Where condition that reads: [EmployeeID]=[Forms]![frmTimeSheet]![cboEmployee] And [DateWorked] Between [Forms]![frmTimeSheet]![txtStartDate] And...
1) the labels/dates on the report have nothing to do with the data displayed. YOu have to make the query only show the data from the selected date range. Make sure your query says something like "Between X and Y"
According your previous post, I created only one text box to enter a start date...
It was a great help, thank you. I changed a few things, e.g., using Week Ending Date instead of Week Starting date. This necessitated changes in formulas in “MON”, “TUE”, etc. which I did successfully.
However, I have some other problems:
1) For a given week (eg. Week ending 9/03/05...
Is DateWorked an actual date and you want it to be changed to a Weekday (Mon, Tues, etc?)
Yes, DateWorked is an actual date. No I don’t want it to be changed to a weekday, rather I would like both date and day to be displayed.
What's the query you wrote so far?
I attempted a crosstab query...
Please forgive my "not so bright" question. I am a new user of ACCESS. My DB is designed to track project hours. I would like to create a report to show
Col1 Col2 Col3 Col4 Col5 Col6 Col7 Col8
Proj# ProjName Hrs(mon)Hrs(T) Hrs(W) Hrs(Th) Hrs(F) Hrs(Total)
I tried to use...
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