I am attempting to configure Tomcat5.5.9 to run with JSPs. Tomcat starts fine (no errors), but when I attempt to browse my initial JSP page, I get the following error:
DEBUG http-8080-Processor24 org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.ThreadPool - Getting new thread data
DEBUG http-8080-Processor25...
I have just started at a company where I've been asked to solve the following problem. We are running a web app on Tomcat 4.1.12 (Stanalone, ie no apache server), on Linux 7.3.2, and every few days tomcat reports an out of memory error. -Xmx (ie heap size) is defined and is 430 MB. Can...
I am experiencing a problem with restarting tomcat. Am running tomcat standalone. When tomcat is shut down (shutdown.sh) and then restarted (startup.sh) from a cron job, the previous java processes are still present (I can see them by using ps -aux). Any ideas why? There are no errors...
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