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Search results for query: *

  1. rpol79

    Media Objects on Forms

    I don't know about video, but use this to play a .WAV: Declare Function sndPlaySound Lib "WINMM.DLL" Alias "sndPlaySoundA" (ByVal lpszSoundName As Any, ByVal uFlags As Long) As Long Const SND_ASYNC = &H1 Const SND_NOSTOP = &H10 Private Sub cmdButton_Click() Dim MakeSound...
  2. rpol79

    REPORT line backgound color

    Quan9er Also, try this: Dim iColor Private Sub Detail_Print(Cancel As Integer, PrintCount As Integer) If iColor Then Me.Line (0, 0)-(Me.Width, Me.Section(0).Height), 65535, BF End If iColor = Not iColor End sub Private Sub PageHeader_Print(Cancel As Integer, PrintCount As Integer)...
  3. rpol79

    Deactivate Function Keys F1/F2........

    Geraldino, Create a macro named AutoKeys. AutoKeys runs automatically when you open an .MDB that contains it. In this macro you can assign whatever values or functions to any F Key or key-combos (Ctrl+M, etc.) See on-line help under Autokeys macro group. A word of warning - you might want to...
  4. rpol79

    Setting unique combo box views for individual users

    Try this for getting the user name from a network.... Dim lngLen As Long Dim lngX As Long Dim strUserName As String 'API declaration Private Declare Function apiGetUserName Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias "GetUserNameA" (ByVal lpBuffer As String...
  5. rpol79

    Copy Records To A New Table, Triggered By Button

    Shadez, Try copying the record into an array, open the table as a DAO object and append the array data. I use this all the time & it works just fine. John
  6. rpol79

    Table Data Not Visible---But It Is There!!!

    LindaLou, Why not run a make-table query on the table with the invisible data, and use the newly created one where the data will show. Delete the one with the problems AFTER you determine that the new table contains all that was in the other. John
  7. rpol79

    How can I show the date of last update ?

    Oliver, I forgot this part - on the form load event: 'Populate "Last Import into Access" control Dim MYDB as Database Dim COST As TableDef Set MYDB = CurrentDb Set COST = MYDB![tblInventoryEOM] thedate = COST.Properties!TimeStamp...
  8. rpol79

    How can I show the date of last update ?

    Oliver, I've had the same problem. I got around it by creating my own property on the table: Function AddTimestampProperty() Dim TimeStamp As Property, MYDB As Database Set MYDB = CurrentDb Set TimeStamp = MYDB!tblName.CreateProperty("TimeStamp") TimeStamp.Type = dbDate...
  9. rpol79

    Password protect one field

    Not sure about passwording a single control on a form, but how about using the "Username" network environment variable to enable/dis-enable the control. For example, in the form load event: Select case Environ$("Username") 'or whatever VAR is used Case "Doe&quot...

Part and Inventory Search
