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  • Congratulations SkipVought on being selected by the Tek-Tips community for having the most helpful posts in the forums last week. Way to Go!

Search results for query: *

  1. adamstuff

    storing/recalling checkbox state

    Ecky, Here's what I do where I use a checkbox to hide a columnPrivate Sub UserForm_Activate() 'Set value of chkboxes to last setting If Columns("Q:S").EntireColumn.Hidden = True Then chkbox1.Value = False Else chkbox1.Value = True End If End Sub HTH...
  2. adamstuff

    Changing items in Data Validation List via ListBox

    Hi PHV, No matter where I put lboTypes.RowSource = "Sheet1!Entry_List" it doesn't change anything. I tried in the form Activate; in front of the With; Inside the With, before the .Clear. I get the same error, highlighting the .Clear. Everything seems to work, EXCEPT the .Clear. Thanks...
  3. adamstuff

    Changing items in Data Validation List via ListBox

    Skip, Just as a quick test, I stuck a .SetFocus in front of the .Clear. With lboTypes .SetFocus .Clear For Each r In Sheet1.[Entry_List] The procedure got past the .SetFocus and still got hung at the .Clear. Guess there's something weird there. FWIW. HTH...
  4. adamstuff

    Changing items in Data Validation List via ListBox

    Hi Skip, Congratulations on being Tipmaster of the Week! You deserve it just for putting up with me! I wish I could get back to you as fast as you get back to me, but my Excel project is extracurricular, even though it's for the job. Unfortunately, I still have exactly the same problem...
  5. adamstuff

    Changing items in Data Validation List via ListBox

    Skip, I must be the world's biggest dunderhead. I'm getting a "run time error (lotsa numbers): unspecified error" at the "ListBox1.Clear" line. My listbox name is lboTypes so I have "lboTypes.Clear" I've tried everything I could think of relating to "Clear" and what I could be doing wrong...
  6. adamstuff

    Changing items in Data Validation List via ListBox

    That was a GREAT explanation! You've just corrected a major mistake I've been making! Thanks again. I keep clicking the the star link, but it doesn't seem to be doing anything today. Must be on holiday too! Heisenberg was probably right.
  7. adamstuff

    Changing items in Data Validation List via ListBox

    Skip, I really do appreciate your thoughtfulness in your reply. Hopefully you got the star. Can I give you another? Guess I was blind here: sValue didn't get dimensioned. I assume it's a string? sValue IS defined at the module level -- check the code I posted. Of course, now my mind is really...
  8. adamstuff

    Changing items in Data Validation List via ListBox

    Fantastic Skip. [2thumbsup] I think I've got the gist of it. I'm not familiar with some keywords and their operation, though. (ByVal KeyAscii As MSForms.ReturnInteger) Takes a keystroke and gives it back as a number? ListBox1.ListIndex Gives back a numerical sequence of the number of...
  9. adamstuff

    Changing items in Data Validation List via ListBox

    I still can't understand why the simplest things are the hardest for me to find. I can find things like list inversion, sorting, Martian characters, ad nauseum, but not anything about how to change the list used to populate a listbox. I have gone through tutorials and tips and found nothing...
  10. adamstuff

    Trying to display time on userform textbox

    Thanks to you too, PH. Just one question to you from apparently a BAD searcher. [glasses] I can't find anything like Skip's answer in the Object Browser either. Guess I just ain't worth a durn. Heisenberg was probably right.
  11. adamstuff

    Trying to display time on userform textbox

    Thanks Skip. [thumbsup] Here's your star. How did you find this, or how did you figure it out? I hate not having a VB or VBA Syntax Syllabus. I searched on every combination of excel, vba, vb, textbox, time, date and couldn't find much. I used to consider myself a good searcher, but I bow befor...
  12. adamstuff

    Trying to display time on userform textbox

    Hi all, I have a text box on a userform that I’m trying to use for both display of a cell from the sheet and as an input back to the cell. The problem is that the cell formatted as Time (13:30). I’ve tried different formats with same results. The textbox displays the TimeSerial instead of the...
  13. adamstuff

    Record filtering with Option goup

    Hi stix4t2, The overall objective is to allow any one user to put data into only one record per day. The option group is in the form that employees see after they log into the switchboard. The only other things on the form are a Back button, which takes them back to the switchboard and a...
  14. adamstuff

    Record filtering with Option goup

    Hi all, I've got a form with an Option group and simple selection: Select Case fraEEPicks.Value Case 0 MsgBox "Please select a reporting form." Case 1 DoCmd.OpenForm "Claims Analyst" Case 2 DoCmd.OpenForm "Provider File Analyst" Case 3...
  15. adamstuff

    How to Multiple forms with same subform

    Not quite. When in form view, No subform is visible at all. In Design view, there is a blank place holder. Just white space with the name of the subform. HTH Heisenberg was probably right.
  16. adamstuff

    How to Multiple forms with same subform

    Hi all, I'm sure this is a newbie question, but I can't find an answer no matter where I look . I have several forms and I'd like to put the same exact subform (copy) on each of them. When I try to copy and paste the subform, the subform on the original form becomes a blank space holder. I...
  17. adamstuff

    How to remove Main Menu to look like an App?

    Thanks jkl0, That was exactly what I needed. I will put it to good use. Heisenberg was probably right.
  18. adamstuff

    How to remove Main Menu to look like an App?

    Hi all, The subject says it all. This may be a very simple question, but so am I. Are all Access databases designed to run in the main Access Window? Is there no way to make a database look "professional", instead of something written in another program? This may be trivial to most of...
  19. adamstuff

    Subform won't display input, only zeroes

    Hi MajP, We must have doubled when I submitted my last post and mine got lost in the ether(net). Anyway; You are absolutely right. I didn't realize that I never really see the properties of the subformies, only the forms. Strange way of getting there, With having to to open the form and then...
  20. adamstuff

    Subform won't display input, only zeroes

    Hi all, I've got a subform on a form. This subform is identical in every way that I can think of to another subform that works, but when I try to enter data, the textbox reverts to a zero. The other subform in the other form works just fine. I've looked at the properties of the form and...

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