This is kind of off-topic, but I was wondering if anybody here was using Komodo and if they couldn't see the code tree-view in the left pane.
I'm running Python 2.5, and it never shows a tree view of the code.
It will for PHP, but not for Python.
I've found this code snippit around the web, but when I try to install it in my program, the program fails.
class MyFrame(wx.Frame):
def __init__(self, parent, id, title):
wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent, id, title)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_MOVE, self.OnMove)...
I was wondering if anybody here was working with an Omnis database via ODBC?
I'm having some trouble with the SQL statements not working.
Seems to be a peculiarity with Omnis and I can't find any answers.
I'm trying to tie into a new Omnis database here at work with VB6 via an ADODB/ODBC connection.
I can connect fine and pull down records until I need to use the "WHERE Date=#10/10/2006#" clause.
I was hoping somebody here would be familiar with the peculiarities of this database SQL...
Not Found
The requested URL /php/vend05.php was not found on this server."
But the file and folder are indeed there.
Is there some setting in the .conf file that I'm not getting?
Does anybody have a quick fix to this?
It's the first of many problems facing me today.
I put this at the top of my include file and it worked right off:
import mx.controls.DataGrid;
I thought it would have thrown an error if it couldn't already see that.
Long lesson learned (7.5 hours of hacking).
I'm having a tough time getting the datagrid to play nice.
cont_dg.columnNames=["Contacts", "Vendors", "idx"];
cont_dg.getColumnAt(0).width = 70;
cont_dg.getColumnAt(1).width = 200;
cont_dg.getColumnAt(2).width = 0;
This will fix the column headers and widths, but it throws the data out...
Stupid question.
When I'm trimming strings, what is the use of the character_mask option?
I've Googled, but can't find a good example.
For instance, can I trim the ".00" part of 123.00 using that option?
Many thanks to each of you.
It's a simple set up, basically.
It tracks truck numbers and trucking companies.
Each company can only have one truck number, but there may be many such numbers, one for each respective company.
Thank-you, Tony.
So 10k records in a table won't slow down the processing time too much as, say, two tables with 5k records?
I'm trying to find out if there will be an overly-significant lag time for the user.
Thanks kaht -
I wanted to make a Yahoo Widget, and it was my understanding that its engine only worked with Javascript.
I'm pretty sure this is out of my league, but just wanted to ask.
I thought that if I could at least figure out where the "address" of the active window data was being...
I'm starting to get into Yahoo Widgets, and I thought a good widget would be one that tracks how much time I spent on each application during one session.
Does anybody know how to find out which application is active when a number of apps (browser, word processor, email, SDK, etc.) are open...
Thanks bjd4jc - I just found your code on how to kill a process and have incorporated it.
I would rather stop it before it happens.
This is being done programmatically from a VB6 module.
I couldn't see any "View Document Image" boolean method.
I'll check again.
I need to convert Word Documents to *.tif files.
I figured out how to do it by sending the document to the "Microsoft Office Document Image Writer" printer.
I can save the file, but every time it happens, the viewer pops up, and I can't figure out how to suppress it.
Any ideas?
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