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Search results for query: *

  1. JCridland

    Data Encryption Errors

    I have a network server with Server 2000 installed. Have installed terminal server for remote access. the XP users when accessing the network continually get "data encryption" errors that reset the connection. What can I check to determine the origin of these errors?
  2. JCridland

    Windows NT Logon

    First of all THANK YOU SO MUCH GINGER. This is so close to being done. I got the following error when I made the changes you recommended: "Procedure declaration does not match description of even or procedure having same name." This is what the entire code behind the form reads...
  3. JCridland

    Windows NT Logon

    Thank you Ginger.. What it is currently doing is opening the wrong switchboard. The code on the form should direct the user to the appropriate switchboard based on their defined authority through a users table. The module is definitely working as it is picking up their correct user ID...
  4. JCridland

    Windows NT Logon

    I have a database on which I have a module that picks up the NT use ID: GetNetworkUser Function fOSUserName() As String ' Returns the network login name Dim lngLen As Long, lngX As Long Dim strUserName As String, strerror As String strUserName = String$(254, 0) lngLen = 255 lngX...
  5. JCridland

    database using network user IDs

    I have a database in which I am using the following module to get the network user ID. I want to avoid having the user having to login again to Access. The database opens with a form that has a field that picks up the network user ID using this module: Option Compare Database Private Declare...
  6. JCridland

    Budget Database

    When I delete the "exit sub" from the code, I get an error 2448 stating I can't assign a value to the object and debug highlights the Me![cuser] line. Jerry - in answer to your question, yes, fldID contains values that exactly matc the user's NT logon.
  7. JCridland

    Budget Database

    I have a database that I have created that I am having trouble getting the on open form to follow the code to open other forms based on the userID. The following is the event procedure on the start up form: Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer) 'Dim rctOriginal As adhTypeRect 'Call...
  8. JCridland

    sql ERROR

    Thank you. That cleared that error. Now I have another error that states "user defined type not defined"....on the line that says dim rst As dao.recordset...
  9. JCridland

    sql ERROR

    HELP! I have switchboard that in which I wrote the following. The first subform worked before I added the second. I get a complie error "expected end sub" and the line Private sub form_open (cancel as integer) line. I don't know SQL so if someone could tell me what I am missing...
  10. JCridland

    linked table updates

    Question...I as told that it is preferable to create tables from queries and then create reports off the tables versus reports of queries. My question is, if the queries are updated based on the linked table update, will the tables I create off those queries also be updated? Is there special...
  11. JCridland

    Suppress zero value fields

    I have an ODBC linked database. Because it is an ODBC link, I am unable to change the properties of the table to supress zero value fields. I need to be able to have my form or table or query suppress the line item when the quantity field is zero. Any ideas?
  12. JCridland

    forecolor change

    Thanks Rick...what I found was the problem was that I was trying to add code to the field rather than adding the code in the header of the detail section of the report. When I put the If statement as an on format event, it worked great. Thanks for trying to help...this learning process is tough!
  13. JCridland

    forecolor change

    Didn't work....I give up!
  14. JCridland

    forecolor change

    I right click on my text box in design mode (of a report). I click on properties. This brings up the properties box with tabs for format, data, event, other and all. When I click the event tab, there are no lines for me to enter an event.
  15. JCridland

    Security Nightmares

    I am the creator of the database and should be the admin...how can I verify how I am logged on to the database? Does Access pickup the identity of the user through the windows logon?
  16. JCridland

    forecolor change

    When I double click on the text box the event tab shows up blank with no options. What am I doing wrong?
  17. JCridland

    Security Nightmares

    I created a database. I also set up users to play around with the security. For some reason, I am unable to enter new users or groups (the buttons are all gray). I also for some reason am no longer the admins for the database despite being the owner. I tried changing the ownership to both my...
  18. JCridland

    forecolor change

    I tried pasting the &quot;This.ForeColor = ; IIF(This.Value < 0, RGB(255,0,0), RGB(0,0,255))&quot; in my text box control source property field right after my formula but get a syntax error message. Is there a join character that I need to place in there also? The event tab of my text...
  19. JCridland

    forecolor change

    Unfortunately, I am a notice VBA user so I apologize if my questions are basic, but when I try and place the procedure right after the text value statement in the expression builder I get a syntax error. I think I may not understand how the expression is to be exactly typed into the builder...I...
  20. JCridland

    forecolor change

    In attempting to follow this thread, I am having difficulty combining my instructions for the field: =nz([ActualPeriod6])-nz([BudgetPeriod6]) with the Procedure: PROCEDURE MyTextBox.Refresh() THIS.Forecolor = IIF(THIS.Value<0,RED,BLACK) ENDPROC Where does my field instruction go in this...

Part and Inventory Search
