I have an issue in Clarion which I need help with. We are using Clarion 6.300.9054 for our applications. These are multi-dll applications which have a user login screen. Our goal is to have a single login location which all of our applications, both Clarion and Visual Studio, can be accessed...
I'm hoping someone can help out there with this one! We have an application in Clarion 6, legacy which is non-mdi. There is a main browse window which drives majority of the work. On this window there are a number of buttons that call other windows, each on a separate thread from the main...
I am using clarion 6.3 and need some help determining how to accomplish this.
First I create an xml file which then needs to be copied/moved to a shared drive using a login name and password on the same server the file is created on. I have the file creation part fine.
The issue I have is...
Would it make a big difference if the var used for UsedReportHeight is LONG or USHORT?
Would doing this work if the BlankDetail detail band had been defined as default - even if its height was changed in the code? I believe maybe that was throwing everything off for me because I was doing as...
I've seen how there is no easy or straight-forward way to determine a page break. What I am trying right now does not have any group headers or group footers. I will post my report structure below. All the detail bands have a fixed height. I have the BlankDetail band for when the calculations...
I am fairly new to Clarion and I am trying to get this to work the way needed. I have a report where I need to be able to print subtitles based on changes in the data. Along with these subtitles, the column headers should be reprinted. I put the column headers in my report header and I have...
I have an application where we want to allow the user to be able to zoom and pan the graphic created. Does anyone have any recommendations on any good ones out there or the best places to look for one? We would like something that at least works similar to the zoom/pan control google maps...
I am doing that although not in the exact way you are showing. When I create the circles initially I am holding the circle information in an arraylist which has the circle's radius. By comparing the circle's radius to the calculated radius of my new point from the outside circle down to the...
It is not putting it in the correct hour ring. Since the circles are created by using drawellipse I am using a calculation. I find the distance from the centerpoint of the circle grid to my new location point clicked.
wrkX = cPt.X - button.Location.X
wrkY = cPt.Y - button.Location.Y
wrkPt2 =...
Well I finally got the buttons to draw on the grid in the proper locations initially but am now having a little trouble when one is moved. It is not always calculating the correct new hour location.
b/c the information will constantly vary depending on data in a database and user input. Plus...
The "jobs" or buttons represent a job or activity that is planned to happen - they aren't going to actually cause the job to happen tho. This is kinda a planning tool.
Using your example then it would be more like this:
Hour 1 :(no job perhaps)
Hour 2: job 1 starts (1 hr...
Your last line is almost correct: "I am actually having a harder time visualizing now than before, when i thought it was a full circle with multiple jobs per circle and you were drawing custom circular ring buttons."
It is a full circle w/multiple jobs just that the buttons ontop of the circles...
The buttons are not circular - the are a rectangle on an angle. And the number of buttons will not be static - it can change based on data plan choosen and additions/deletions user makes to data plan.
Hmm - no that isn't right. No partial circles - It is one circle inside another circle inside another circle, etc where the circle are a certain width apart. I guess you could say it looks like a bullseye. The buttons will be the jobs that are running/scheduled. If the start time is say 2...
Yeah I did read that the x,y coordinates were relative and I am playing with that.
No, there can be multiple jobs. In fact, it can be filled up with jobs if the user so chooses to add that many to one grid.
Okay - here is the idea. I have a type of grid which is made up of a number of concentric circles a set width apart. The default is 24 (think 24 hours). Each button (or whatever I make it) represents something that happens at a particular starting time (hour) and it's height is...
Re 2) Yes I know but the thing is that the calculations I am using work when I use a button class and only show it "angled" via the region method and using setbounds. (Same concept used if you want say a circular button). But using the drawbutton method does not put the buttons/drawing in the...
Unfortunately I think I will have to look at doing this another way for 3 reasons.
1. Using the drawbutton method I don't see how I can make it a certain background color (unless I've missed it and someone can tell me how)
2. The buttons are not hitting the circles exactly right nor are they...
og was previously defined as a graphics object.
I finally got the buttons to show at an angle. I needed to put the ResetTransform inside the button for loop. It was performing the transforms from the last button position for each button which wasn't what I meant for it to do. Oops!
And my...
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