I am using CR 11 and a i am trying to create a monthly report
The report looks something like this
Day Sunday Monday Tues Wed Thur Fri Dir north south North South
for 24 hours each day
I will have a six page report one for each week .If first of the...
I have a monthly report for which I need to have all 4 weeks or 6 weeks of data. So I just want to put a condition while selecting the date that when the user selects the date range ,
I want the user to always select the first day of month as start date and last day of the month as end date. Is...
Sorry for the confusion.
I have report header for the report and the report consist of a main report and a subreport
In the reportheader I am tring to give a text which uses a formula(which is in the subreport)
Instead of using the formula I thought let me use the running total when I use it...
I did the same way and I am trying to access the shared varible from subreport in the main report and I get the
result as zero.here is the code which I wrote in the main report.
shared numbervar moncount;
shared numbervar tuecount;
shared numbervar wedcount;
I added the formula in the summary field with sum as summary but when I preview the report I don't see a seperate column for percent instead I see the percent for each column put in each cell.
I am using CR11. I have main report with two groups i)date and the other hour
sample report I get the volume fo each hour for each type(1,2,3.....10) for a day
date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 total
I have a subreport which calculates the peak volume for a day so I need to find the...
I have column fields in page header b section
and subreports in report footer. When I print the record I have subreport on the last page but it shows the column fields.How can I suppress the column fields not showing up.
I have the subreport like this.I have two groups first group direction and second group lane so I get 3 lanes in each direction
Lane AMTotal AMAvg PMTotal PMAVG
My main report looks like this
Date ln h1 h2 h3 h4 h5.................h24 total
Basically this report gives for...
I think you got wrong. If it was in java
I would have coded something like this
int totalVol;
for(int i=o;i<1200;i=i+100)
totalVol =totalVol+getTotalHourlyVolume
Basically I am trying to get the total Volume from 1AM to 12PM(midnight) so I am trying to loop through the time
and add the volume
Sorry. Actually I have to submitt some of the reports next week and the users have asked some changes at last moment.I am using CR11.
I have a report something like this for whole year of data(> 365 record)
No. Date weekDay DailyVolume hour hrlyvol dir hrVoly
I want to create a report sorted...
I am creating a summary report using CR11.
These are the columns for the report.
I have teo direction and eac direction has three lanes so basically I will get 6 rows of data.
Lane AmTotal AMAVg PMTotal PMAVG PeakAM
I have to calculate AM total which it total volume for
that lane from 1 am-...
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