or you can use the function
<xsl:variable name="number" select="sum(PersProd/ProductNode/SectionPart/UsageItem/Amount/TaxAmount/Value)" />
<xsl:value-of select="format-number($number,'#.##')"/>
My XSL tranform takes the data below, and generates xml output, which is effectively marked-up 'text'. The text-wrapping mark-up in the output is abbreviated to <aaa>. For simplicity within my transform, I have defined these marked-up data as variables.
I effectively want simulate the concat( ...
It could also be that one has a different default paper size in to the other. If the documents are in .doc format, the paper size (File>>Page Setup) is stored in the document, and "shouldn't" be a problem, although it's worth checking (and I don't know if 2002/2003 formats are identical)...
If your mail server supports it you can forward the headers (or the entire email) on to several further addresses. Really need more detail about the mail server and the mail client you are using.
Generally, once a mail has been read the mail server stores that information and so it will appear...
Where is the best place to pick up database management skills? I have a good knowledge of XML, VB, VBA and MSOffice (mostly Excel & Access). I have a project which requires me to learn C++, so I will be fluent in that by the end of the year.
I would prefer to learn whilst doing a job which is...
I have a source document with a structure which is basically like this:
* The document order is not necessarily the same...
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