I have an Access 2007 database that has links to 38 excel files. The Excel files are recreated every month with the same filenames which overwrites the previous data. The idea was that since the filenames are the same, Access would find the files with the new info and be linked automatically...
I've got two problems to solve. I need to create a .pdf file from a report then email it, all from the click of a button if possible. I'm not finding much information that I can use. If anyone could point me in the right direction I would very much appreciate it. I'm using Access 2003.
Tom and Duane,
Thanks for the information. I've read the tips you have given and they both sound very good. I always learn something when I read tek-tips. Your advice is very much appreciated.
I've got a report printing store locations. At each store there may be one or more machines serviced. My report list them all. What I want to do now is to insert an AVG line only for the stores that have two or more machines. I don't want to print an average() line for the stores with one...
Thank you very much. That did the trick. When I first saw your code I thought it would just do the same thing but I was wrong and you are right. I do appreciate the help.
I have a report (in Access 97) that needs to print the name in blue if the Last Name is "Smith" and I can do that. However when I also try to get "Jones" to print in blue the "Smith" record goes back to black. Its either every name is in blue or one in blue. I can't find a way to target selected...
I didn't add a table but I did add an unbound object to the page footer where I linked to forms I created in excel that looks like my checklist. Actually I created two unbound objects each linking to a different checklist. I placed them in the report footer and in the footer format event I made...
I'm trying to print a maintenance checklist on the bottom of a report. However that checklist can vary based on the machine type. How can I print different checklists at the bottom of my report? I've tried making sub-reports visible/invisible but can't seem to make it work. There is no data...
I was getting nowhere so I quit trying to do it in code and setup a subform that linked to my SocSecNbr that had all of the data I needed. I then used the default property of each field that I needed to populate and entered the control ID of the info I needed and it worked. Now it displays any...
I'm trying to copy data from an Employee table into a Termination table. I select a SocSecNbr from one form and have it open the Termination form. If it finds related records it display them correctly. The problem comes in when there is no record and it opnes a "NEW" record. At this...
I finally got it figured out. I now assign groups such as data entry personnel to the forms they need and setup other groups for different functions. I then assign a group to a user. I had it backwards by trying to set each user up with their permissions. I am using a security manager add in I...
I am trying to secure my database. Everything is going OK except I have a query that creates 2 tables that I combine for a report. I assign permission to the tables and all looks ok. But when I run the report I am told I do not have permission to the table. I think it is because the table is...
I have already tried the "Reposnse = acDataErrAdded". I must have something else going on. I'm going to step through it and see if I can find out what it is.
Thanks for the assist.
This is a little complex so I hope I can describe the problem correctly.
I have a form with several unbound fields. I fill these in and push an update a file with the info. Works OK. Info is added to the file. One of the fields is a combo box with names called "Name" When I type in a...
I need to know how to use one of my existing queries as the record source using vba. I've tried the examples in my book but it never works. I am trying to export this data from the query into and ascii file but never get a recordset that I can use. Any information would be most appreciated and a...
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