HMmm I tested at work , so does not help me your solution , sorry. When I clicked on subreport I have my subreport on separate tab I do not see the header of the main report so it is supressed ,as I may say ,by itself .I need to supress subreport header when I still did not click on subreport...
Thank you! I will try on Monday at work. Another related question : When I click on subreport it opens on separate page I loose the view of main report . In order to see Main report I have to click on tab ios it possible to keep both reports on the same page? I mean when I click on subreport I...
Can you tell me how I can detect if subreport starts? This is my problem I do not know how to detect , where I'am :in main report or in subreport. I mean what is the function or what can tells me that I clicked on subreport? Thank you!
I have header in Subreport which is the same as main report
I want supress subreport header and display it only when user click on subreport. I'm able to hide header when drilldowngrouplevel is = 0 but when user clicks on subreport , drilldownlevel is still= 0 and header is still not...
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