We recently upgraded our HP Unix box to 11i. The whole package contained the jdk version 1.4.2_04. I created the war file for our application using this version of jdk and ftp'ied it to the UNIX box and started the OC4J server. When i tried to access the application it gave me a...
I checked my code and the RmsStockCountStatusConverter.convert(stockCount.getStatus())' does returns 'CT' in uppercase. As far as my date and time settings are concerned i checked the date setting on unix and it was EDT and my local machine too has EDT.
Hey guys whats the solution?
I tried creating a dummy table and doing an insert and it works but if i do an update on that table, it fails. This is really getting frustrating. Any help will be appreciated.
My statement is
UPDATE stake_location SET status = ?, stocktake_end_datetime = ? WHERE cycle_count = ? AND location = ?
and the check constraint is
CHECK (status in ('WS','CT','CD', 'AV', 'VP', 'AA', 'CO', 'CA', 'DE'))
I have configured my application to run locally. I am getting the following error message when i try to update one of the table through the application:
java.sql.SQLException: ORA-02290: check constraint (RMS.CHK_STAKE_LOCATION_STATUS) violated...
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