All the other equipment will be replaced , except maybe the GroupSwitch cards depending which type of GS you already have.
The old equipment should be taken back by your supplier as part of the 'refresh' deal.
You really cann't be expected to know about installation or upgrade. Get your...
The DC/DC is the Power card for the present generation of 'Classic' magazines, while the RG5DC was from the cabinet 'Consono' practise (or 'stackable', as it's now referred to. They are not interchangeable in the same magazine.
The most obvious difference functionally is that the DC/DC...
Something (that needs Keycode RXrs) Eg Analogue Extn, is going on & Off hook like the clappers.
Low Batteries in a phone, have been known to do it.
But not at same time every day.
What happens about that time ?
(Eg. train going past)
First you must find what line it's on.
Rotating Signal...
You're not going to get it louder than with AVAL=0 (-6dB).
Perhaps the Actvitate Board Parameters have changed , at startup (intentionally or otherwise).
Have you got the latest SP ?
It seems to work OK, although it did used to knock out the whole ELU33 card after every SP upgrade, and the only statement could get from Aastra (when stil Ericsson) was negative.
Isn't it the media that's diect media, while the call control is still via the LIM. If it's the calls actually dropping out - rather than just transmission being lost .
Signatl Trace on the call - to see where does the Clearing originate.
Is it just since TSW SP3 you have this problem ?
What did you have before ?
& Which is Your Market Application system,
& What type of Analog trunk
Confirm you've got the right address with LSCOP while your connection is Up.
(Some Extensions use TRM=1, inherently)
You are Sending A-Number to an Analogue Tie Line via BTU-3 ? How ?
Is your digit sending via DTMF or MFC ?
Your VAR Parameters might tell us .
(RODAP : ROU=....;)
A- Number to Analogue trunks has often been special patched - so it doesn't always work good for all cases.
To see How it's...
That's right, with IP trunk you can simply use a switch to let the Voice & Data Traffic share the same LAN / WAN connection.
Don't switch any Data traffic through the LIMs though, as the Echo Cancellers on IP trunk will just scramble it.
Electrical disturbance has been known to simulate Off-hook and Break Pulse dialling from Analogue Lines.
Have you any analogue lines running through electrically noisey envirinmant ?
Is the low quality volume for analog & cordless extensions only After correcting the Echo for IP extension ? OR was it always the same ?
How did you achieve the 0 dB, for IP ? (Was it by LSATI ? )
What's your LSATP look like now ?
Would imagine the TRM for IP Extension to be 0...
For the Standard AS
TRM 0 -> TRM 4 and
TRM 4 -> TRM 0
should both be giving 0 dB in the LIM Switch.
That would solve your Echo problem.
Looks like someone's been messing with your Tranmission Matrix too.
Your Tranmission settings do seem rather loud (at -7 ).
The effective TRM for IP Phones is fixed, depending on the Market. It should usually be the same as you'd use for Digital & ISDN phones, but they don't always get it right.
What Market Application system is this ?
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