We have three databases in Oracle server.
I need some summary tables developed for these databases that show me the information of tablespaces, schemas, storage amounts, etc.
It is building data dictionary.
I know there is build-in data dictionary. May I create my own data dictionary or just...
I replaced older DLL file myfile.dll with new one, but with the same name.
I got error message when run a related asp page when using this new dll file.
Here is error message:
Server object error 'ASP 0177 : 8007007e'
Server.CreateObject Failed
But when I change back to the older myfile.dll...
When run
select select * from core_info_table where core_id = '0' ;
Get message : "No rows selected".
Actually there are more than 1000 records with core_id=0 in table core_info_table.
I want to replace field "Customer_id" beginning with "MD" to beginning with "FH", and there are around 5000 records. If using update script, I need write 5000 scripts. Is there any good method or Oracle function?
Thanks in advance.
Thanks. But it still doesn't work.
Here is script:
UPDATE Customer_Inforamtion
SET Customer_id = 'FH' & Mid([Customer_id], 4)
WHERE Customer_id Like 'MD*' ;
There are totally 6 digits of field Customer_id.
After run this script, get message "Enter value for mid:".
After enter 0190, get...
I have a frontend access 2002 connecting to Oracle server through odbc. I need to update many record value in linked table T1. I want to replace field "Customer_id" beginning with "MD" to beginning with "FH", and there are around 5000 records. Then I need use "find and replace" function...
I use 5 DTS packages to combine 5 tables (T1, T2, …, T5) of 5 databases to one table Sam. All these 5 tables have same primary key S_code and value of S_code is from 1 to 200. I use DTS to transport record in 5 tables to Table Sam. Since there is duplicate S_code, after run first DTS to...
Yes, you are right. The tape was in NetBackup pool.
Now I deassigned the media and moved this media to DataStore pool. When backup /bin using policy Test_bin manually, get following error message:
11/29/2005 11:04:17 - started process bpbrm (pid=8503)
11/29/2005 11:04:17 - connecting...
I met a problem when backup files. I set up policy test to backup /dev directory on backup server. When performing manual backup, got two jobs under Activity Moniter.
Following is information about two jobs:
Job 55, detailed status:
11/28/2005 14:48:13 – started process bpbrm (pid=3182)...
I found out there is some problem with device mapping file.
The device changer is "EXABYTE VXA 1x10 1U" but I can not find it in device_mapping file.
After updating device mapping file, robot can not be detected. Looks like I need find a suitable device mapping file.
When I add ag dirver by running /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/driver/sg.link, I got following error:
Copies files to /kernel/drv and to /kernel/drv/sparcv9. Doing add_drv of the sg driver devfsadm: driver failed to attach: sg warning: Driver (sg) successfully added to system but failed to...
Hi estech25, thanks.
I have changed a new scsi controller. When install scsi driver, I met another problem. I will let you know if it works after update device mappings file.
I use Exabyte autoloader and Netbackup server on Solaris 9 sparc station. When booting system, got following error information:
/pci@le, 60000/LSILogic, scsi@4/st@1,0(st31)
VXA-2 options value invalid bits set: 0x4000
ermesx tl8cd[322]: TL8(1)Mode_sense error
ermesx tl8cd[322]: TL8(1) Key 5h...
I got two problems of DTS:
1. When I use DTS to move all records from one database to another database, only some records are moved, others not. And there is no error in the log file of export package and run status is 4 for this step. But I test transformation using “transformation data task...
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