Yesterday I had a major incident in our LAN.
One of our wi-fi Vlans that is routed on Cisco L3 3750 switch has been paralysed. Devices were able to connect but when You try to ping them 75-90 % of the packets were lost.
After few hours it turned out that two linksys wifi-eth...
I wanted to defragment array disks attached to a Windows machine.
Is it possible to do it on OS level for example with Windows disk Defragment tool ? Is it recommended ?
Could it improve perforamance (copying lot of small files) if fragementation is quite big ?
Equpment is Clariion...
I'd like to ask about dynamic dns update issue and Checkpoint firewall that is preventing it ... at least I suppose it's Chckpoint's fault.
We use Checkpoint R55 (SecurePlatform) to route traffic between part of vlans in our network (HSZ, DMZ).
When the traffic is going through...
Sorry small mistake !
I meant not to have a multiple vpdn-templates but to have multiple vpdn groups with assigned for each group different virtual-template interface.
the problem is that when remote client connects it's always using default vpdn group and template assingned to it.
So my...
Hello !
I'm using a vpdn connection from outside a company to Cisco 800 series router which act as a end of a vpn tunnel.
generally speaking vpdn configuration looks like that:
- usernames and password are kept on the router
- for connection I use Windows built-in vpn client.
- when...
Hello !
I've already fix this issue.
Traffic for the office mode ip pool must be directed back to client from which the SecureClient is connecting.
Thanks for Your answer.
Hello !
I have a problem when connecting to Checkpoint's Gateway (NG R55) using SecureClient with office mode enabled.
All Gateway interfaces are private addresses
so NAT is being made on the router connecting internal network with internet.
In my case SecureClient is connecting to Firewall...
Hello !
I've also setup VPN for cisco vpn clients but as far as I know Cisco vpn client is not free software that's why I wanted to use Windows based client.
Hello !
I have setup a simple vpdn server on a Cisco 800 series router.
It is used for remote users which are using W2k vpn client.
Protocole is pptp.
Users authenticate to the server using usernames defined locally on the router.
Then they get local ip address from pool defined also on...
Hello All !
It's my first post so I'm not sure it's a good place to put here a post like this.
I was trying to setup vpn connection with my Checkpoint NG R55 using SecuRemote client.
All Checkpoint's interfaces are private addresses so to connect from outside
NAT is performed on Cisco Router...
Hello All !
Does anyone know how to setup a vpn with cisco 831 router on one end and on the other w2k Pc with builtin vpn client ?
What I mean is to configure Cisco 831 router as vpn server that will accept vpn connections from remote pc's.
These Pc's will use a standard windows vpn client...
Hello All !
Does anyone know if cisco 831 router can act as a VPN server ?
What I mean is to configure Cisco 831 router as vpn server that will accept vpn connections from remote pc's.
These Pc's will use a standard windows vpn client that uses pptp or l2tp.
I have already did it using vpdn...
Hello All !
Does anyone know if cisco 831 router can act as a VPN server ?
What I mean is to configure Cisco 831 router as vpn server that will accept vpn connections from remote pc's.
These Pc's will use a standard windows vpn client that uses pptp or l2tp.
I have already did it using vpdn...
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