This worked but what happens if I have a file that has multiple lines, each of those have a few filed. Here's example file:
db1 user1 pass1
db2 user2 pass2
db3 user3 pass3
this file is called db_definition.
I need to do, for each record, declare DB=$1, USER_NAME=$2, PSW=$3 and then...
Thank you for your reply. I managed to do it using "paste" to join the columns of these two files - making things much easier than using nested AWK
I have two files, one is:
/data/oracle/R1LD/data01/ 3338445
/data/oracle/R1LD/data02/ 3361894
/data/oracle/R1LD/data03/ 3441971
/data/oracle/R1LD/data04/ 3347558
Hi Feherke,
You're 100% right! I am looking for a grouped result so I expect the size array gives me 3 numbers, indicating sum of rows that have the same values in $1. (Please see below output, seperated by a blank line)
Unix File System TBS Name 10% Size
Hi Feherke,
Thanks a lot for your help. Your code follows the right logic but the outputfile.txt have many lines missing. It seems like awk just chunk out some random lines instead of really comparing if $3 is < 1000000 . The correct result should return all the records with the $2 only.
I have a problem with my script which processes my oracle output. Here is part of the sample output:
Unix File System TBS Name 10% Size
/data/oracle/R1LD/data03/ TSINDEX 204800
/data/oracle/R1LD/data03/ TSINDEX 204800
/data/oracle/R1LD/data04/ TSINDEX 204800
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