If you still experience an error with Remou's recommendation, try:
if internaljobid is datatype numeric in your table:
CellsAdded = "SELECT COUNT(celltable.[internaljobid]) As CountOfInternaljobid FROM celltable, campaigntable WHERE ((celltable.[internaljobid]) =" &...
All the posts so far are on the money, but there are some typos and other problems.
1. Declare CellsAdded as a string.
Dim CellsAdded as String
2. Declare db as Database
Dim db as Database
3. then set db
Set db = currentdb()
4. Set the recordset like this (CellsAdded is a variable and should...
Not the same.
Its probable that the code causing the shutdown uses one of the date/time functions. I take it that your response to my previous post indicates that you have searched these without finding any suspect code.
Good Luck
Isn't it great when it works the first time?
There are utilities which will monitor for specific processes and shut them down after a specific length of time. There does not need to be a reference to this utility in the access application. If its one of these, it probably monitors msaccess.exe activity and shuts down the instance of...
To reference a specific column in a combobox you use:
Where the 0 is the first column, 1 is the second col, etc.
The best way to programmatically 'Click' a command button is to not click it at all. What you do is set up a procedure like this...
To give credit where credit is due:
formerTexan had given a direction to OpenArgs in his previous post.
Glad to help
-isn't it great when it works the first time?
As I understand it, you would like combo30 on GATracking to be visible when called from one form, but not visible when called from another.
if so, you can do this using OpenArgs as follows:
On the form calling GATracking where combo30 is to be invisible, change the coCmd.openForm
When a table is designed in Access, and a field data type is set to a number, Access automatically inserts the default to 0.
Be careful here, because another form, calculated field, or ? within the project may expect the default number of 0. Changing this could break another area of your...
Hi Steve,
Looks as if you have done most of it correctly
The following code generates the list of items from theStainsList. What it's doing is looping through each selected item in the list (ctl.itemsselected) and then adding them together with a line feed (vbcrlf) between each item:
In access, dates are delimited with hashes (#)
in your sql, try:
BETWEEN #" & [Forms]![myForm]![FromYear] & "# AND #" & [Forms]![myForm]![ToYear] & "#"
You may also have to ensure the dates are properly formatted and/or use cdate([Forms]![myForm]![FromYear])
Hope this helps
Ginger is right. Daily updating of all records in a table is not reasonable because it opens your data to all kinds of risks. A power outage while the query is running....etc
But then management is not always reasonable, or so my employees say. But if you can, heed Ginger's advice. After...
Two methods:
1. As you said, create a query with all the table fields plus a calculated field lagdays: DateDiff("d",[datecreated],Date()). Then have management look at the query.
2. If they *must* look only at the table, and not a query, then create an Access Update Query (on the query wizard...
I don't believe access provides a RoundUp function like Excel.
I developed a function some time ago which is similar in functionality, I call it RoundItUp:
Function roundItUp(num As Double, dig As Integer)
Dim nmb, dg, mult
if dig<=0 then
msgbox "The decimal places to be...
Looking at it again, you may not have intended mba to be a variable but the actual string, in which case:
Private Sub Form_Load()
Me.Filter = "StudieRichting='" & "mba" & "'"
Me.FilterOn = True
End Sub
You might want to search this site or others for a tutorial on string handling...
The DLookup function will do just that.
For example:
If you have a table named ATable with two fields:
TheFieldYouWant field and TheFilterField field
and a query named qry1
qry1="SELECT ATable.TheFieldYouWant, ATable.TheFilterField FROM ATable;"
On a form you have a textbox named text1...
One way to do what you want is with an "ok" or "cancel" MessageBox:
You can put this code on the existing order button...but towards the top of the procedure before the data is saved to the table.
When the order button is clicked, a messagebox will display the items selected from the...
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