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Search results for query: *

  1. mauricionava

    How to NOT load query in subform when Main form starts up?

    My Search button currently has Me.qryUploadToCars_search_subform.Requery in the OnClick Event.
  2. mauricionava

    How to NOT load query in subform when Main form starts up?

    Hello! I have a form with a subform on it that looks at a query that takes a lot of time to load. I have the query to look for the values on a Text field that I have in my main form and then load the results in the subform. The subform loads when the main form starts up and the query starts to...
  3. mauricionava

    Check for a Clsid registry key from VB

    hello, I have a Tiff splitter that uses a DLL and adds a registry key to the computer. Is there a way to check for that registry key from the form in VB? If the registry key is not available, meaning it's not installed, then display a message. is that possible to do? thanks
  4. mauricionava

    DLookup in Form for duplicates accounts

    Hello there, I have a form linked to tblMain. In the form I have to enter some data (acct number, buyers name, etc). I want the Save button to do a DLookUp on the ACCT field in the tblMain to see if the account has already been entered in the table. I would like to display a message that would...
  5. mauricionava

    DLookup in Form for duplicates accounts

    Hello there, I have a form linked to tblMain. In the form I have to enter some data (acct number, buyers name, etc). I want the Save button to do a DLookUp on the ACCT field in the tblMain to see if the account has already been entered in the table. I would like to display a message that would...
  6. mauricionava

    MoveFile does not work when moving file in a variable

    Thank you very much! Works great.
  7. mauricionava

    MoveFile does not work when moving file in a variable

    Hello, I have a form that first it gets the name of the file and stores it in a variable. When I try to do the fso.MoveFile (<souce folder> & <name of the file>),<destination folder> it does not work. If I say "\*.*" it will move all files in the source folder but I only want to move the one in...
  8. mauricionava

    Add delay between commands in VB

    Thank you very much. Works awesome.
  9. mauricionava

    Add delay between commands in VB

    Hello, I have a batch file that runs with a button and after the batch file runs I have some more coding that does not work until the process in the batch file finishes. How can I insert a delay between the batch file command and the rest of the code behind the button? Thanks a lot. This is...
  10. mauricionava

    Make items invisibles when value is 0

    Hello, I have a report that runs from a form with currency values. How can I make fields in the report invisible when their value is 0? This is an invoice report, any other suggestions? thanks.
  11. mauricionava

    Show First date of current month in text field

    Yes, works good. Thanks
  12. mauricionava

    Show First date of current month in text field

    Hi all, I have a form for reports where you input the start date and end date in two fields for the reports. How can I automatically show the 1st day of the current month in a text field? Thanks
  13. mauricionava

    Is it possible to simplify this query?

    hello there... Reading thru this thread remembered that one of my most used queries runs very slow. Can you please help me fixing it like you did with mondo3a? Thank you. I see that my query has LEFT Join and maybe with the INNER Join it would speed up a little but I dont know how to do it...
  14. mauricionava

    Date format in query

    Hello, I need to make a report for a list of dealers displaying how many cars they have sold each month for certian year. How can I make it to show me only the month and year and how many cars per dealer? I know it's something like (Format[FieldName] and then how you want it formatted as thanks.
  15. mauricionava

    OLE or DDE Error when running a query from Switchboard

    The thing is that the query is in a switchboard that can only be open in runtime mode. The query runs fine in my computer where I have the full Microsoft Access and not the runtime but in other computers is where it gives me the error. The only way to run the query is by placing a button to run...
  16. mauricionava

    OLE or DDE Error when running a query from Switchboard

    This is the code behind the button that runs the first query posted: Private Sub btnAllMissingTitle_Click() On Error GoTo Err_btnAllMissingTitle_Click Dim stDocName As String stDocName = "All Missing Titles" DoCmd.OpenQuery stDocName, acNormal, acEdit...
  17. mauricionava

    OLE or DDE Error when running a query from Switchboard

    Hello, I have a query with another query inside it that can be ran by pressing a button from a switchboard. The first query is the following: SELECT [__acct and title].ACCT, [__acct and title].NEWSTOCK, [__acct and title].STATUS, TRDATA.NEWSTKLOT, TRDATA.LOT, TRDATA.BUYER, [__acct and...
  18. mauricionava

    =UserNameWindows() Does not work in some computers

    Hello, my form has the following code to retrieve the user logged in to the computer and to diplay it in the form. =UserNameWindows() is in the default value of my username field. Some computers give me a runtime error and that the application has to be closed. I think it is the...
  19. mauricionava

    DLookup in Login Form

    works as I wanted. thank you very much.

Part and Inventory Search
