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Search results for query: *

  1. SD8146

    Application Delay Before Abandon Report

    The Application Delay Before Abandon report - the one that shows a colourful chart - can anyone please tell me do the numbers on the Delay Interval axis relate to numbers of seconds and if not what do they represent. Very many thanks
  2. SD8146

    NCOS - Nortel IP Phones restrict outgoing calls to internal only

    Can anyone please let me know how set up NCOS tables so we can restrict the level of outgoing calls from our IP phones - eg: internal calls only, national calls, calls to international and mobile numbers. We know where to set the NCOS range on the individual handsets but we're not sure...
  3. SD8146

    Nortel WLAN 6120 Handset - Speed Dial List

    Thanks TelecomII - I had to try a few options but it worked in the end.
  4. SD8146

    Nortel WLAN 6120 Handset - Speed Dial List

    Can someone please tell me if I can set the Nortel 6120 up with Speed Dial and if it is possible how do I go about it. I have created an SSL list (list no: 53) and SCL list (list no: 54) but I don't really understand how to connect the two. Many thanks for your help.
  5. SD8146

    How to make a Form Field Mandatory using a Condition

    Is it possible to make a form field mandatory based on a condition. I have an on-line form and want to make a field called Reason mandatory if the answer to the previous field "Connection Required? is Yes (or True). I'm not much good with coding but can work my way through it if someone can...
  6. SD8146

    Data does not display immediately in Access Form

    I have an access database that records incidents in the workplace, there are several tables, the main three being:– tblINCIDENT - tblINCIDENT.IncidentID (key); tblINCIDENT.SubordID; IncidentDate, etc tblMANAGER - tblMANAGER.ManagerID (key), FirstName, Surname, etc tblSUBORD -...
  7. SD8146

    Open Workbook at specified worksheet

    Does anyone have the code to open a Microsoft Excel workbook at a specified worksheet please - I have a menu page with links to other areas of the workbook and would like to be able to have it always open into the menu page. Many thanks
  8. SD8146

    Code to close page after printing

    We have an online application form that, when submitted, displays and prints a confirmation page - the printing is done with -"onload="window.print()" so the user has to click OK to get the page to the printer. My question is - is there any code I can use to close the confirmation page after...
  9. SD8146

    How can I display "1" as "Yes2 and "2" as "no&quot

    Fantastic!! Had a few problems with errors but when I realised that I needed to change the textbox 'Name' to something other than "myfieldname" it worked a treat. Thank you.
  10. SD8146

    How can I display "1" as "Yes2 and "2" as "no&quot

    I have a Microsoft Access Report that displays 1's and 2's where "1" = "yes, and "2" = "No". I would like to make the report more explicit and show "Yes" and "No" rather than "1" and "2" - what code would I use to do this please.
  11. SD8146

    Restricting Print to a Single Page in Portrait format

    We have a form that users complete on-line and print off for signature - the form does fit on a single page but on some printers the fonts are enlarged and it goes over onto a second page. Another problem is that some users have their printer set to print in landscape mode by default. Is there...
  12. SD8146

    We Form loads twice

    Many thanks - You probably guessed I'm a bit of a novice at this - I'm grateful for your help.
  13. SD8146

    We Form loads twice

    Thanks - this is the code for the link page - please let me know if you also need the form page <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="en-gb"> <meta name="GENERATOR" content="Microsoft FrontPage 6.0"> <meta name="ProgId" content="FrontPage.Editor.Document"> <meta...
  14. SD8146

    We Form loads twice

    I've created a form for our users to complete on-line - it loads from a hyperlink in another page - the problem I have is that my link appears to load two copies of the form at the same time - it's probably something in the code but I'm not sure what I'm looking for - I would appreciate any help...

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