Here is the current incarnation of the OnSend portion based on your suggestions:
void CHostDlg::OnSend()
// TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
CString strCR;
strCR = "\r\n";
m_EDIT1 = m_EDIT1 + strCR;
CWnd* pEdit = (CWnd*)GetDlgItem(IDC_EDIT1)...
Hehe, most of this is completely new to me, as I am just starting out with VC++, but I am experimenting and trying to work in what you are suggesting.
So far I've changed IDC_EDIT2 to a multi-line edit box, but no matter how I try to append a "\r\n" onto the end of the m_EDIT1 string its not...
So.. By read previous contents are you saying to incorporate the entire contents of the Edit Box into a single variable, add the new submitted content onto the variable and re-write it back out to the Edit Box? Is there no other way to avoid have an insanely large variable down the line...
Hello all. I am brand new to VC++ but I am learning as I go.
My current project is to output user input from an Edit Box to another Edit Box or Static Text Box. My problems are three-fold at the moment:
1. First string is sent fine, subsequent strings overwrite the existing text rather than...
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