from your original post, it doesn't look like you're looping over the SchoolName collection on the server side. is this true? the server side code is executed before any client side code.
you'd need to perform a loop on the server side and write out the javascript array, e.g. (note this is...
a simple timer could be used:
window.setTimeout('myLogoutFunction()', 1000 * 60 * 10);
one way would be to store it in cookies if it's under 4k
the simple way is to use a plain timer. if the user navigates from the page before the timer then the timer is automatically destroyed.
a more...
javascript is case-sensitive. this:
<SELECT NAME="SelectURL" onChange="Navigator(nav.selectURL.value)">
should be:
<SELECT NAME="SelectURL" onChange="Navigator(nav.SelectURL.value)">
you might run into cross-browser issues with some browsers not reporting the select's selected option when...
thanks - the problem ended up being that i was setting these properties against the CDO.Configuration.Fields instead of CDO.Message.Fields
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ok, i've googled for hours on this, and i now am setting the importance/priority of my email in SIX fields, and still nothing happens to the priority... it is always sent as "normal":
'---- CdoPriorityValues ---
Const cdoPriorityNonUrgent = -1
Const cdoPriorityNormal = 0
also known as "object notation", and similar in syntax to JSON (i don't think JSON technically allows function definitions)
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prototype Ajax.Request uses the post method by default. you would want to use the GET method only for operations that do not modify data - use POST method for data processing operations ( e.g. /my/app/delete/item_1 )
how about
replace_strings = {'abcdef': 'ffffff', 'decfef': 'gggggg'}
for key in replace_strings:
data_string.replace(key, replace_strings[key])
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rac2, if you look a little closer, you'll see that the attribute "target" is not allowed in the Strict DTD
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if i remember correctly, i used to do it like so:
var sql1 = "INSERT INTO Table (LI, LoI) VALUES('" + yco + "', '" + xco + "'); SELECT @@IDENTITY";
var result1 = connection.Execute(sql1);
newID3 = result1.Fields(0).value;
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my 2c: save yourself some headaches and use one of the well-tested existing ajax libraries, like prototype
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how about
<form action="search.php" method="post" onsubmit="'_blank';" id="search" title="search" dir="ltr" lang="en">
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in Firefox, go to Options > Content > check "Enable Javascript" Advanced > uncheck "Move or resize existing windows"
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how about onmousedown on the document or body object?
function hideme() {
... hide the menu ...
document.onmousedown = hideme;
document.body.onmousedown = hideme;
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doesn't mac have something analagous to window's autoexec.bat or linux's .bash_profile? just throw it in there and it gets run at startup.
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why not split it into an array?
ar = "firstName,lastName,,U999999,12345,CS".split(',')
first_name = ar[0]
last_name = ar[1]
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