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Search results for query: *

  1. tas2826

    using jmxremote to monitor java app

    I am just learning about the app montoring features available through JConsole. I am using jdk150_06 to monitor an app in development locally on a Windows PC. I set the property (-Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote) on the statup of my app jvm. I run JConsole, the JConsole comes up, sees the JVM, I...
  2. tas2826

    Integrating with MQ Series

    Not sure if this is the right place to ask the question, but here goes. I am fairly new to working with J2EE, about a year now. I work on an existing J2EE app deployed to WL 10. At a very high level we have an enhancement project in which a back end mainframe process is going to create a...
  3. tas2826

    How to get element height and width to match exactly

    That is the realization I was coming to. Now if I can just convince the QA folks. ;) Thanks, Troy
  4. tas2826

    How to get element height and width to match exactly

    Is there a way to get elements of different types to match exactly in size? For example, I have a textarea and a div. I want to make the div height and width match that of the text area exactly when the page loads. I have the following javascript called by onLoad()...
  5. tas2826

    How to check if form is dirty

    I think I just realized what the issue is. In the case where a search is performed then the fields are set to disabled. Therefore, they are not submitted with the post. It just took extricating my cranial apparatus from a certain body orifice to realize why it was not "working". Thanks Troy
  6. tas2826

    How to check if form is dirty

    I have a form with several several types of input elements, hidden, text, radio, etc. The user can edit them. In which case when the form is submitted, the values are being passed. However, another action they can take is to do a search. The search performs an ajax call, returns some data...
  7. tas2826

    submit innerHTML of <div> with form?

    vacunita, no offense taken. Thanks all for the help. Troy
  8. tas2826

    submit innerHTML of <div> with form?

    Thought I submitted this before, but did not post for some reason. Anyway, I do have a reason for needing to send the text in the div. In the app I am working on there is text added to the div based on user actions on the page. The div is there because the users want to see this "audit"...
  9. tas2826

    submit innerHTML of <div> with form?

    Can the innerHTML of a div be submitted with a form on a page? So for example, I have: <div id=mydiv>SOME TEXT</div> So, mydiv.innerHTML = SOME TEXT. Let's say mydiv is an element inside of the <form> tags of the page. When the page is submitted, how do I get the value SOME TEXT to go with...
  10. tas2826

    use of document.body.getElementsByTagName('*')

    My bad var elem = document.body.getElementsByTagName('*'); var getIt = elem[1].id; alert(getIt); //gives me the id alert(getIt.type); //does not work, how do I get to type? alert(getIt.value); //does not work, how do I get to value? should be this. var elem =...
  11. tas2826

    use of document.body.getElementsByTagName('*')

    Given the snippet below, let just say that elem[1] is a text input. How do I get the the type of input which would be "text", and the value that the text input contains? var elem = document.body.getElementsByTagName('*'); var getIt = elem[1].id; alert(getIt); //gives me the id...
  12. tas2826

    Making a readonly &lt;textarea&gt; scrollable

    Never mind. Must be Friday or something. I see where I was wrong. Helps if I take the disabled='true' out. No wonder the scrollbar did not work. Dang copy/paste!
  13. tas2826

    Making a readonly &lt;textarea&gt; scrollable

    I have a text area on a page that is used to hold auto generated comments based on user actions on the page. I do not want them to edit this textarea, so it is readonly. However, in IE then it will not scroll because the scrollbar is disabled too. I have to use <textarea>, so is there a way...
  14. tas2826

    Venkman and Firebug

    Well, I had thought maybe then I could test and debug js in IE (via IE Tab) and Firefox, both from Firefox, instead of switching between browsers or using the MS Script Debugger. That was kind of how I figured it was being that Firefox probably does something akin to wrapping the IE engine...
  15. tas2826

    Venkman and Firebug

    I had a thought trying to get a helpful js debugger in IE. Can you put the IE Tab add-on in Firefox, load a page, switch to IE Tab and then use Firebug or Venkman to debug js? I messed with it a little (IE Tab and Firebug) and it does not seem to work. Has anyone been able to do this or am I...
  16. tas2826

    indexOf() not working in IE 7

    Ok, got the replace to work. I guess I was expecting js to behave more like java. The line: newOtxtStr.replace(/BR/, "br"); neede to be newOtxtStr = newOtxtStr.replace(/<BR>/g, "<br>"); and then it worked and now it works in IE. Thanks for the help. Troy
  17. tas2826

    indexOf() not working in IE 7

    One other note on the following line. I tried it the following way also and still no luck. newOtxtStr.replace(/BR/, "br"); BTW, what do you use to debug js in IE? I do not have a Visual Studio install available. I have also tinkered with Companion.js and Firebug Lite but cannot get any...
  18. tas2826

    indexOf() not working in IE 7

    Larry and Kirsle, thanks for the suggestions. I did not notice the case issue. I went through and made sure the case was lowercase and still no luck in IE, continues to work fine in Firefox. Here is the html and js file that I am using. What I am seeing is that in IE the <br> is getting...
  19. tas2826

    indexOf() not working in IE 7

    I have a script that processes the innerHTML from a div on a page. The innerHTML contains <BR> tags. Basically I need to remove certain substrings from the innerHTML of the div and also its cooresponding <BR>. I am using some exist js for the removal and with the modifications I have made it...
  20. tas2826

    Using MSXML in a VS 6.0 C++ app

    I have never used MSXML, so bear with me. I have a small C++ app that receives a message via another app. The message received is XML format but is contained in a string and not passed as an XML doc. Stuck with this, nothing I can do about this part. So, I need to implement MSXML, I am...

Part and Inventory Search
