The calculation of the total is being done in my program which is a COM server. I cannot do this in Crystal.
I have the calculated Total in my program. I can expose to Crystal any way that Crystal would consume it.
The question is how does Crystal want this?
I currently have an OLAP tool that groups data and produced "totals" that are not sums, but special calculations.
Reports can have more than one level of groupings.
I am using Crystal Developer's version XI. I can shape the data any way I want to. Currently I am trying to create ADO recordsets...
I currently have an OLAP tool that groups data and produced "totals" that are not sums, but special calculations.
Reports can have more than one level of groupings.
I am using Crystal Developer's version XI. I can shape the data any way I want to. Currently I am trying to create ADO recordsets...
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