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Search results for query: *

  1. NSNewey

    Something other than AND or OR

    Thanks guys. If it looked like it was getting complex, my backup was to loop through a recordset, do the conditional bits then and add items to the listbox rather than using a query. I've been working on that and it works fine. Just wondered if there was an SQL function that easily achieved what...
  2. NSNewey

    Something other than AND or OR

    It can't be OR because I want to return customers (parent table) having a related contacts record (child table) called Jane and John. Using OR would show customers with either Jane or John. I want to see customers with both. Thanks
  3. NSNewey

    Something other than AND or OR

    Hi Using northwind as an example, how would I build a query to return Customers with a related contact named Jane, AND and a related contact named John? ie, I only want to return customers that have both a Jane and a John contact related to them. I tried using AND but it returns no records...
  4. NSNewey

    ActiveX ListView Control not working after Microsoft Update

    Thanks for the link. Having spent most of yesterday trying to find an answer, it appears that unregistering and re-registering the OXC file is the simplest and most effective solution...
  5. NSNewey

    ActiveX ListView Control not working after Microsoft Update

    Hi, I develop stock control databases in Access for around 12 customers. A recent Microsoft update has caused a problem for form with ActiveX ListView controls in them. When any event associated with the list fires, an error occurs. Most people got this update on 15th August. It was an update...
  6. NSNewey

    Listbox width value unchanged after form resize

    Version 2007. Now have a work around using the forms WindowWidth property whos value does change on resize.
  7. NSNewey

    Listbox width value unchanged after form resize

    I may not have explained the problem properly... I know how to set the column widths in code, the problem is that when the user resizes the form, the listbox grows due to the anchor settings (stretch down and accross). I want the first (left hand) column to grow as the list does. The other...
  8. NSNewey

    Listbox width value unchanged after form resize

    Hi I want to resize some columns in a listBox in code. The form is set to sizable and the listBox anchor settings are such that the listbox grows with the form. There are three columns, two of which I want to remain as fixed widths and one should grow when the listbox does. So the simple...
  9. NSNewey

    Problem with Double Data Types

    Hi, I've been scathing my head because a function that returns a Double has been giving me a strange result. I have realised it's VBA and not my function which is at fault. Can someone tell me why when you type... ?CDbl(110.4) - CDbl(110) into the intermediate window the result is...
  10. NSNewey

    Report Window Restore - where is it?

    Hi, When I maximise a report in Access 2007 the restore and minimise buttons disappear. In previous versions these controls used to jump to just under the main Access window's min/max/restore controls (which confused users here but were at least present) Now when I maximise the report, there...
  11. NSNewey

    Dynamic Grouping in VBA

    Works a treat thanks
  12. NSNewey

    Dynamic Grouping in VBA

    Hi Is it possible to set which field a report is grouped on in the report module code? I have a report generator form which the user selects various filters to view a report of Customers. I want to be able to set the grouping of the report based on the users filter selection. In other words...
  13. NSNewey

    Using IIF in criteria of query

    Thanks PHV That works a treat. You're a genius!!! Neil
  14. NSNewey

    Using IIF in criteria of query

    Hi Skip, No... If the expression is true I want to return all non UK orders else all orders. In a standard query which is not referring to a control on a form I would just enter <> "United Kingdom" and it would return all orders not for UK. Cheers, Neil
  15. NSNewey

    Using IIF in criteria of query

    Hi, I want to return sales figures for all companies or companies outside of the UK based on the value of a checkbox in a form. I cannot get the IIF statement in the criteria row of the query to work… This is the code string I entered…...
  16. NSNewey

    Licensing system for Access Application

    Hi, Can someone point me in the right direction here... I have written many Access applications and need to stop the end user simply copying the files and using the databases at another company. I need some kind of Licensing system but I'm not sure where to start. ??? I solved this with a...
  17. NSNewey

    Error in DSum calculation?

    Thanks both. I opted for PHVs method as a good fix but will read up on data types and change the doubles to decimal when I have a little more time. Thanks again. Neil
  18. NSNewey

    Error in DSum calculation?

    Hi, I have a table containing part entries for a part. Each part entry has a percentage and I want to issue a warning when the sum of percentages for a part exceeds 100. The data type for the percentage field is Double. The problem is that I have entered 2 parts and several part entries for...
  19. NSNewey

    SQL criteria AND(this = that) AND(this = this)

    Hi PHV Initially, I couldn't get either going but saw what you were up to and modified this fragment... FROM (tPart P INNER JOIN tPartDesc to FROM (tPart AS P INNER JOIN tPartDesc and got what I needed. Thanks very much.
  20. NSNewey

    SQL criteria AND(this = that) AND(this = this)

    Thanks for the ultra fast responses... Remou... I tried that thanks but using OR means both Part1 and Part2 are returned as they both have descriptions that are either or. PHV... I will try both examples tomorrow (off home how) Thanks both

Part and Inventory Search
