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Search results for query: *

  1. bitshifter05

    Converting AnsiString to Int

    Using Borland builder when I try to use an edit box as in input for an integer it says that you can't convert an ansistring to an integer. How do I get integers from the user. Thanks bitshifter
  2. bitshifter05

    Is there a c/c++ function that determines if a given number is a prime

    Thanks anyway brainism, I figured it out on my own the code to determine if a number is a prime number is as follows... string Prime(int IntValue) // returns string "Yes" or "No" { string outstring; if(!(IntValue % 2)) { if(IntValue == 2) outstring =...
  3. bitshifter05

    Is there a c/c++ function that determines if a given number is a prime

    I have a program that is for school and part of it is to determine if a given number is a prime. I have tried to look for a formula that gives me this answer. No such luck. I know that the only even prime is 2. But other than that I don't wan't to have to check the given number against the...
  4. bitshifter05

    MS Visual C++ vs. Borland C++

    I am a college student, and just starting to develope C++ apps for windows. I have played around with both Borland C++ builder and Microsoft Visual C++, and was wondering which one was better and why. Pros and Cons if you will. Thanks in advance. Kevin
  5. bitshifter05

    MS Visual C++ vs. Borland C++

    I am a college student, and just starting to develope C++ apps for windows. I have played around with both Borland C++ builder and Microsoft Visual C++, and was wondering which one was better and why. Pros and Cons if you will. Thanks in advance. Kevin
  6. bitshifter05

    need to simulate a key press(ctrl + end)?

    Thanks all,<br><br>Sendkeys &quot;^{END}&quot;<br><br>worked great<br>
  7. bitshifter05

    need to simulate a key press(ctrl + end)?

    alt255&nbsp;&nbsp;I tried this and I got a run time error of invalid parameters. VB did not like &quot;{CTRL}+{END}&quot; <br>Any help please I know I am close and I think this will work.<br><br><A HREF="mailto:Bitshifter05@yahoo.com">Bitshifter05@yahoo.com</A>
  8. bitshifter05

    need to simulate a key press(ctrl + end)?

    The ideas about using a listbox are great the only problem is that all my code is written for a textbox and would take way too long to re-write for a listbox.&nbsp;&nbsp;Need to be able to scroll to the bottom of a textbox.&nbsp;&nbsp;CTRL + END does this using the keyboard how do I cause a...
  9. bitshifter05

    need to simulate a key press(ctrl + end)?

    In a program in which I am writing I my text box to scoll all the way to the bottom.&nbsp;&nbsp;You can do this manually by pressing ctrl+end.&nbsp;&nbsp;I want to make the program do this automaticly when the textbox change event happens.&nbsp;&nbsp;So that my multiline textbox with scroll bars...
  10. bitshifter05

    VB File Copy

    I need to know when a file copy has been complete. In my program I am copying many files to a zip drive and I wanted to display a status bar to display the status of the file copy and notify when complete. thanks kevin<br> <br>
  11. bitshifter05

    Creating a ADO database????

    I am starting to work on a database program in which I want to store and save info. from different types of fields. I was reading in a VB6 book about ADO database interface the only trouble with all the examples in that book is that they all used an exsisting database created in Access. I was...
  12. bitshifter05

    Reading files in Win32

    I need HELP. For some reason I am having trouble reading a file in windows. With Builder 4 I have a simple form with about 5 edit boxes in which I have a need to save these values in a file and recall them later. <br> <br> I am using the writefile(), readfile() routines. I have no problem...
  13. bitshifter05

    AnsiStrings ??

    I just started using Borland Builder 4. My background is in Dos based C/C++ and up intill now the only windows programming I have done was in VB. <br> <br> Q. When using an edit box control builder makes that an ansistring variable. I was seeking info on how to convert from an AnsiString to...

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