thank you very much franke. this is exactly what i needed to know to get the 199 extension to work properly. i followed your instructions and it works. thanks again. thanks also to everyone else for your responses.
some additional information: when 199 is dialed, audix says "Attendant service not available. Try again later." When i was going through the List Choices earlier, i did see that 199 is showing as an attendant. just can't get that "li aa" command to work to see the "Day AA" value.
when doing the TRANSFER *56 to anyone's extension with VM, the *7 works just fine - never knew you could do that. i tried the "li aa" command and i get the message that "aa" is invalid. I went through all of the available choices and nothing showed at all with "Day AA". Now, since we got the...
as I'm reading everyone's responses, I realize I wasn't as clear as I could've been. photon33 is absolutely correct in what I was trying to get answers on. When an employee calls in to work and talks to another employee then wants to check his messages, we used to be able to hit TRANSFER then...
The motherboard on our Audix box got fried. We got a new box and some technical help to get the integration to the Merlin System going. When an employee used to call in and asked to be transferred into VM, we could hit TRANSFER then key 199. The "Group" for VM is 770. They can get into it by...
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