That would be an awesome idea--making the database as coursework--if it was for a friend's personal use or small business. But it is for the company he works for. If it was the first scenario, I would try to do it for free or use your idea. Since I'm pretty busy, I wanted to make sure I...
Thank you for the help! This is the situation: I am an Access teacher, to intermediate level. A friend asked me to make this database which looks fairly easy, although I do have a few questions about the Excel file. He just doesn't want to deal with Access himself. He requested a...
Can anyone tell me, what is the going rate to hire a database developer, to make an Access 03 or 07, simple database, with 1 switchboard, 1 form, 1 table linked to Excel, with no macros or anything fancy? This is in the New England area, if that matters.
Please forgive my ignorance, but I am a bit new to making macros in Excel. Is VBA 6.3 the most current? Where would a person find a class in this programming language? I've seen VB Studio and VB .Net... are these more current versions?
I have a document that was produced a couple years ago, and I am trying to re-vamp it. Trying to make page numbers for each chapter that look like A-1, A-2 then B-1, B-2 for next chapter. I don't care if the chapters are numbered or lettered, or if there are full chapter names before the dash...
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