Couple of suggestions, first look in the monitor application under resource and make sure that you have resources set aside to monitor screens.
If you explorer to c:\nicecti\bin\ you will find an app called tester.exe. Open this application and look under maintenance for universal agent login...
RoamingKiwi do you have your DAT drives mirrored? You can get mirroring errors if you have your DAT drives set to mirror and one of the drives fails or if a DAT tape has an issue. I have never heard of getting a mirroring error on a system that does not have raid unless you have some other type...
Thanks garebo, I used a multimeter to test the power supply first and then went ahead and tried one that I knew was good just to double check. I stripped everything out last night including the mb and did a visual inspection and everything appears to look ok. No burns or anything abnormal...
I have a desktop that when plugged in, the motherboard lights up but the computer won't boot. I checked the CMOS Batt. and the power supply. Any suggestions?
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