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Search results for query: *

  • Users: lidds
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  1. lidds

    SQL Database Replication....

    I need some advise from the group. I have developed a piece of software that uses MS SQL Server to store my application database. My software can be used by companies that have multiple offices in different countries, and this is fine as they write back to the SQL database in one of the...
  2. lidds

    Connection to database not closing...

    I am stuggling to find out what I am doing wrong here and think a fresh pair of eyes might help. I have a class called DBAccess which I am using to connect to a SQL Server database, the DBAccess class contains the following code: Public Class DBAccess Private connStr As String = Nothing...
  3. lidds

    Hilight text in webbrowser that meets a criteria...

    This may or maynot be possible, but thought I would ask the question anyway. I have a webbrowser control on a form that I am using to allow my users to create custom email templates within my application. I then have a number of button on the form that enters predefined tags within the...
  4. lidds

    Add to webbrowser on return...

    I have a WebBrowser control added to my form, which I am allowing users to create custom html email templates. The problem I have is that when you with the 'Return' key, the cursor jumps what looks like 2 lines. I've looked at the HTML behind it and it seems to add a <p> (Paragraph) item each...
  5. lidds

    Reflection with plugin...

    I have written a plugin application into a third party 3D design software. The 3D design software is owned by another company. The problem that I have is that with each version of the 3D design software that is released, they add new code and change the version of the dll's that I reference...
  6. lidds

    Combine 3 byte buffers...

    I was wondering if anyone could help me with combining 3 byte buffers. I am using a licening piece of software has supplied the below code example on there website, which is to create a unique machinecode. The problem is that the example shows how to use 2 computer parameter e.g. GetCPUId and...
  7. lidds

    Execute command saved in variable...

    I don't know if this is possible, but what I want to have is a SQL table that contains has one column called "Command" that contains a VB.Net code E.g. Me.btnHome.Enabled = False Me.btnSave.Enabled = True What I then want to do is query the database, and then loop through the datareader and...
  8. lidds

    SQL if statement...

    I have an SQL statement that gathers the users fullname from a userTbl table using the userID value in the commentsTbl table. What I want to be able to do is if the value of commentsTbl.isPublishedComm equal to 'True' then add a value into the FullName field e.g. 'NOT FOUND' else if...
  9. lidds

    Returning line from XML file...

    I have a file called setting.xml which contains the following: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <settings licenseServiceType="1" protectedStorageFile="%AppDomainAppPath%App_Data\storage.psf"...
  10. lidds

    create MouseOver event at runtime...

    I have a form that depending on results from a table would create a number of buttons using code at runtime. This could range from 1 to 20 buttons. What I am struggling with is creating a generic mouse over event for each of these buttons? The reason why I want a generic mouseover event is that...
  11. lidds

    Connection string not working when deployed...

    The error is this: I have also checked the path to the MDB file and it exists in the directory in myFilePath I have also added MDAC 2.8 SP1 and this has had no effect. Thanks Simonhttp://www.ticodi.com/downloads/access_error.png
  12. lidds

    Connection string not working when deployed...

    I have written a VB6 application that connects to an MS Access database using the following connection string: myConnStr = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & myFilePath & ";" This works fine on the computer that has Visual Studio 6 installed on it but when I deploy this to a...
  13. lidds

    Make my desktop application communicate over the web...

    I have developed a desktop application that connects to a MS SQL server over a network. One of my clients wants a third party company to be able to use my desktop application but connect to the MS SQL database in my client’s office. Obviously my client could open the ports to the SQL server to...
  14. lidds

    Connect to SQL Server across the internet...

    I need some advise and guidance as this is well out of my comfort zone. I have developed an VB.Net application that works with SQL Server and currently connects to the SQL server over a network within the clients company, no problem here. One of my clients has asked the following question...
  15. lidds

    Unicode characters showing as ?

    I have developed an application and need to allow users to enter text in any language and save it to my database. However the text is saved as '?' in my database. I have googled quite a bit and found that people have suggested not to use varchar, text types but use nvarchar and ntext etc in...
  16. lidds

    Interop - call VB6 sub or function from .NET dll...

    I have created a .NET dll using the InteropToolForm toolkit which is then referenced within my VB6 application. I am able to call a .NET sub from the VB6 application, but am unable to call a VB6 sub from the .NET dll. Any help would really be apreciated. Thanks Simon
  17. lidds

    Access generic outlook email account...

    I need a bit of help and guidance as this is a new area for me. I have searched on the web for quite sometime, but I can only find examples on how to link into the users outlook account on their machine. What I want is my clients to create a gerneic email account e.g. everyone@mycompany.com...
  18. lidds

    SHELLDLL_DefView does not work in Windows 7...

    I am having a problem with my code now that I have changed from Vista to Windows 7. For some reason the following code does not work anymore in Windows 7. It seems that Progman is replaced by WorkerV. However I am unable to determine how to resolve this problem...
  19. lidds

    Check that active directory group exists...

    I want to let the user enter a active directory group, and I want to verify that the group they entered does exist. However I am not sure how to do this, I assume it is something simular to the below code: Dim de As DirectoryEntry = New DirectoryEntry(Me.strDomain) Dim...
  20. lidds

    Make vb.net function secure on web...

    I have a VB.Net exe application that has a function in it that contains my encryption method that is used through out my application. This function is used to generate all my encrypted passwords and files etc. therefore for obvious reasons I do not want this to be visible to end users. In my...

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