Having some trouble on a module and cannot figure out why it won’t work, the error I am getting is, if you have a chance could you take a look and see what I did wrong, it has been a while since I played with VBA:
The error: "Syntax error in query expression 'SELECT Issues.IssueID'. 3075"...
Thanks for the information MajP, that was not it though. I discovered that some of the ac commands will not function on a linked table, they will only work on a table actually stored within the database currently in use. I had to import the linked table to get this function to work correctly...
I have searched all over the internet and still have not figured out why once I split my database that the AddFromOutlook command will no longer work. All I have seen is that it has something to do with the linked tables. Any ideas???
Private Sub cmdAddFromOutlook_Click()...
This is pretty much what I was needing thanks, but, how do I make it last month, for example I am running a report for November and it is now December, then what happens when I run December's in January will it work?
I am trying to remember how to put the Month Name on a report using a text box formula, what I need is for the report to show at the top "Report for the Month of & (previous month's Name)" I know I need to use the MonthName function but after that I am lost, it has been a while since I...
I did put the null tests first in the formula, I did not realize that those should be first. Ok, that makes since that they are still invalid dates, I did test them, they come up false.
Thanks so much for all the help.
Cool, got it to work, I just took out the first line, one more question I have a few that are like 1/1/2007, or 1/01/2007 which Crystal will read as a valid date correct? If so how do also illiminate those?
This is my entire record selection formula, I did get the report to run without an error this time, but no data came up on the report:
ubound(split({PROBLEM.APROXONSETDATE},"/")) <> 3 or
Hey LB,
Sorry I did not get back to you on this, got stuck with a project that put everything on the back burner for a couple of months.
Now I am back working on this little project with a bit of a twist. Working in a different table, I am still looking for a formula that can search for...
There is another field that identifies what is supposed to be entered, but does not check for valid entry. Many moons ago, a few years now anyway, before the developing team got smart and set limits and formats on what could be entered, many were entered incorrectly. ObsValue is a string that...
I am trying to find invalid dates entered into a field within our database. The field is called ObsValue, which can be anything, it is in a general table that houses all observations entered, from text, dates, numbers and so on. I have approximately 150 of these various terms that are entered...
I think I understand, I did have two links from one table going to the same table. I am getting a warning:
"More than one datasource or a stored procedure has been used in this report. Please make sure that no SQL Expression is added and no server-side group-by is performed.
I forgot to add the SQL Query from the report, is it suppose to have more than one select statement now:
Thanks LB for all of the help,
So if this works (which I will know shortly is currently running) I can then apply the same, matching the records selection to the other reports this applies to?
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