I tried the code in a new blank report just to get everything right. What's funny/strange is when I add the exact same code in the existing report (it's has a lot of other data that is being pulled later in the report) it gives me a different answer.
There certainly could be repetition...
Here is the formula you gave me:
maximum({Cabinets.Assembly Labor},{Cabinets.Cabinet ID}) + sum({Accessories.ALabor},{Cabinets.Cabinet ID})
Here is a sample of the data in the database
Cabinets Table
Cabinet ID Assembly Labor
1 100
2 100...
Ok ... I'm starting to get something here. I added the word "none" for the default. I have a simple user type question though ... How do I check the values that are being generated. Can I walk the code like in VB?
Here is the formula I created:
Select (maximum({Cabinets.Assembly...
I think it's a language problem that I am having communicating. The SortOrder is name for the code that my customer want's printed out on the report. It's the C01, c02, ..., etc. I don't want to use the sort function in crystal on this code.
The report is for cabinets. Each cabinet has a...
The tables are linked by the CabID. That is Field for Group Header #1. The code is just that a code. There is nothing between C04 and C10. The codes have some sort of internal meaning to the report reader on the manufacturing floor. Here is what I was looking at for sudo code
For each CabID...
I have a project to modify a report to include a code that stems from a sum of labor. I need to add the labor for each cabinet plus the accessories added to each cabinet to result in a number that then will be used to to determine a code that will be added to the report in the group header...
Good morning,
I am trying to fugure out how to select a value and show it based upon a boolean.
I have a access database that has a table where the values I want to output need to be put together. I want the value output in the group field. (i.e. Modification: Width X Height X Depth).
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