PHV: If I want to do that in a button, what is needed for it to work here?:
Private Sub Command66_Click()
Update MyTable
Set Picture = Mid([Picture], InStrRev([Picture], "/") + 1)
End Sub
I want to make a replace function that can take some data from a table and save a part of this in another column. This is supposed to happen as a part of an update query, but I cant make it work.
An input could look like this: /BarkAS/S2/73.1451.30517p.jpg
I'd like the output to contain only...
I dont really know what you mean about "0" and "-1" (they call me teh coder noob ;) but I've just got a column with some file paths in (like. c:\database\pic\size2\dungeon002.jpg) and I want to replace some of the text with null, so the result is \dungeon002.jpg instead of the full path. If I...
I've got an Access-table with about 50000 records and when i try to search & replace some of the data in a column, I keep getting this error after around 5000 replacements:
"You can't replace the current value of the field with the replacement text. Resolve any errors before making further...
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