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Search results for query: *

  1. mmerlinn

    FoxPro button status

    I just drove 200 miles thinking about my problem. I never thought to check whether any of the SET/SYS functions might do what I need done. When I get a chance I will check them out.
  2. mmerlinn

    FoxPro button status

    Thanks. You have given me some ideas to try. Your code throws "Alias 'MyButton' not found" error which makes sense since MyButton.Enabled is trying to find the 'Enabled' field in a table named 'MyButton'. IF MyButton = 'ENABLED' throws "Operator/operand mismatch" error. I am thinking that I...
  3. mmerlinn

    FoxPro button status

    Is there a way in FP (and maybe VFP) to test the status of a push button, that is to return whether a button is ENABLED or DISABLED?
  4. mmerlinn

    Poll #2: What versions of FoxPro/XBase languages do you currently use/support?

    FPM 2.6b only. Your poll implies DOS & Windoz versions only even though it says any versions.
  5. mmerlinn

    Poll #3: What versions of FoxPro/XBase languages are you planning/considering to use?

    None of them since they won't run on my Macs. To be complete, I think this poll should have specifically included FP versions that run on platforms other than DOS and Windoz. I realize that they could be implied to be included the legacy version category listed. Sure, these other versions are...
  6. mmerlinn

    Poll #4: What (proposed) successors of FoxPro have you tried, plan to use/learn about?

    None for several reasons. 1) I only write and maintain FPM 2.6 for in house applications 2) None of those will work on any of the MACs I use. 3) I am too old to waste time learning something that I will never live long enough to be proficient with.
  7. mmerlinn

    Poll #5: What other programming languages did you use, do you use, or are planning to use/learn?

    Apple BASIC, 6502 machine (a bitch one byte at a time), and 6502 Assembly via Merlin Assembler.
  8. mmerlinn

    Spam from Tek-Tips ?

    I am sure everyone is getting this junk. That is what happens when one throws out the baby with the bathwater.
  9. mmerlinn

    Hyperbolic Trig functions

    How are we supposed to pinpoint a solution for you when you do not show us what you are doing?
  10. mmerlinn

    difficult to crteate a query very complicated

    You calculate the price of any room by multiplying the length by the width by the cost per square foot.
  11. mmerlinn


    Yeah, very unintuitive. Probably not going to be easy to remember either since it will probably be a blue moon before I need to do it again. That said, it should be very simple to port over the current list of FAQs as of the date that the forum was ported, which would solve the most pressing...
  12. mmerlinn


    I just discovered something else that needs fixing. Many recent (after April 17, 2019 as best that I can tell) FAQs never got ported over. I cannot find any after FAQ 7953. At least two of my FAQs have gone missing, #8776 and #8777. It appears that the ported FAQs were ported over from an...
  13. mmerlinn

    What has happened here to Tek-Tips??

    This should not be dependent on the browser, it should be part of the Preferences for the forums. Might be ok for those that use only one computer, but what about those of us that use multiple computers some of which do not have the correct browser and some of which we do not have the correct...
  14. mmerlinn

    Website requires logging in now

    You have me confused. You say to add a prefix to the URL? So, if I add a prefix to the URL, wouldn't if follow the form PREFIX + URL? For example, Frank:Frankspasswordhttp://example.com/blah.aspx Your example shows splitting the URL and adding the credentials inside of the URL.
  15. mmerlinn

    Anyone here got any experience of Grid.JS (a sortable Javascript grid)

    . For simple tables it appears to be an excellent addition I had thought of using it, but without a massive rewrite there is no way I could use it with my "random" inter-leaved tables. '
  16. mmerlinn

    Distributed VMPro

    "If you need Centralized VM no needing to add nothing in the remote sites," It appears that you are telling the OP that he MUST ADD SOMETHING, but you did not tell him what he needs to add.
  17. mmerlinn

    TekTips site redesign?

    The only thing I like about the new TT is that I can now post replies, start threads, etc. The old TT blocked me from doing any of those things for years. On the old TT I could read, give stars, and do everything else except reply & make new threads. Everything is now harder and/or impossible...
  18. mmerlinn

    Not able to log into my previous account, and there's no "Forget Password"

    Ok, so with a universe of approx 100 or so printable characters (did not count them, just guessing), are you saying that a 10 character password is virtually unbreakable for all practical purposes for this site? I use hundreds of different passwords on hundreds of different sites and in 40 years...
  19. mmerlinn

    Not able to log into my previous account, and there's no "Forget Password"

    Since the code bloat to run this site is 1500% more code than the old site, does that mean my password must be 1500% longer to maintain the same level of security? Or, instead of linearly, does my password need to be geometrically ( len(pw)^15 ) longer to maintain the same site security as the...
  20. mmerlinn


    The only reason I am here is an email was sent to me telling me that I was watching this thread (not) so came here to find out why. So, I commented. Now, I am watching it. No matter what, this site needs a feedback forum just to keep regular forums free from site feedback. Big plus with the...

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