Hi All, Well after not getting any help from anyone and at the same time trying to fix the script myself since my first post , I have finally manged to successfully make a javascript which reads of Picture Urls and links from a server side XMl file and then displays them in the browser ,I have...
One more thing ,i missed on to inform you that both firefox and ie keep giving me a notification when i run the page that the script on the page is taking too long to execute and if I would like to abort running it as it may slow down my machine or mozilla firefox.i am guessing this is cause of...
Hi Spewn ,
Firstly thanks for writing to my post .It was great to recieve your reply as it clears out the error like u said in your post , but the code does n't do what it's meant to do ,Now i have added another method to try preload the images and when the body of the html is loaded i am...
Hi All ,
Well as the title suggests i am trying to implment a javascript based slideshow which reads of an xml file and displays the pictures the xml file also contains a link for each image element which is displayed when the user clicks ona particular image.The code was embedded in...
Hi All , I am finally at the stage of writing my very first ACtive X Control .but instead of using a prebuild one or VB 6.0 or Visual C++ i am trying to run a webform and an HTML page which haa my ActiveX control which originally is a Windows UserControl in another Class Library Project on my...
HI Spewn , I am sorry i tooka while to get back , I am currently trying to achieve this by making an active x control instead as this wmi script thing would only run on machines with very low security settings.So i am planning to do this as anactivex control which can get code access and once...
Hi All ,
I am a newbie to WMI scripting , I am aware of the fact that one can run these scripts through Jscript , Vb script, perl and Python to produce output in Html and XMl .Much of it i gathered from info on Microsft 's site and tutorialsand some freely available tools etc. What i am...
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