My ANT script gives output for every section except the <delete>. It also doesn't really delete the desired directories. I can't figure this out! >:-[
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<project name="loginExample" default="all" basedir=".">
I am trying the jsp/servlet login tutorial at
I am using the Orion Application Server.
When I run the app I get the following error:
500 Internal Server Error
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Resource /PPR_TV/hello?username=&password= not found
The substitution was including the surrounding characters.
The following code does the trick.
my $string = '"data","home 966-2815, cell 567-9832","data"';
print "string before sub = $string\n";
while($string =~ /[^"],[^"]/g){
my $pos = pos($string);
substr($string,$pos-2,1) = ':';
Hello all.
I am trying to remove unwanted commas from a CSV file. I am attempting to do this by changing any commas that are not contained in parenthesis to a colon character.
The following test program produces an unexpected result:
my $string = '"data","home 966-2815, cell...
Thanks for the reply naChoZ.
Your %foo hash is a valid solution. However, I needed the multilevel hash because I was checking each person for duplicates. I am parsing a file for a database.
But, you have hit the nail on the head with your comment "treating keys as values". That's exactly what...
I am curious.
I have created a Hash of Hash as follows:
$HoH{$last_name}{$first_name}{$birth_day}{$phone_num} = "$id_num";
I often know the values of ($last_name, $first_name) and would like to find the
$birth_day value for this individual.
Is there an elegant way to do this?
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