I have been trying to write a script which will read data from a table and make a call to a remote site. So far so good.
At the moment I read the mscomm.input using Instr to find a fixed string, this is ok until it produces a different response.
I then need to grab the data fed back from the...
I have been gradually learning about VBA and MScomm by putting together a script which sends info to a remote site and verifies what comes back. So far so good.
One thing I would like to to is display what I am receiving from the site I am talking to. Is there any way I can display the data...
I am trying to expand on the script GVF sent on 10th Mar.
I am using
with Userform1.MSComm1
.InBufferCount = 0 'clear the buffer
.Output = SendmyStr
TheWait = .2 + Timer
Do until Timer >= TheWait 'a pause that allows the device time to respond
Response = ""
.InputLen = 1
Thanks for that.
I have added
rs!Date = Date
rs!Time = Time
to add in the Date and time but it tells me that it cannot find the field Date although it can find the others in the same table.......????
Thanks again
I am just starting to use VBA in Access and have got myself a bit stuck.
I have a little script, thanks to GVF, which reads a few variables from a table, makes a call to a remote machine, and queries it.
I need to write this info into a table for reference later.
Obviously I have the...
Thanks for that LittleSmudge.
I should have said that I am a novice to all this. I am not sure how I can implement your suggestions.
I have put together this tiny piece of code which works. Before I add to this I need to be able to display / record the tx and rx data.
Can you help?
I am writing a little script which makes a call on com1. I am now trying to display the incoming and outgoing data, read from 2 buffers as the transmission proceeds. I envisage a little screen with the data scrolling with one direction in one colour and the opposite direction in another. Is...
I have been looking around and there is a good thread which talks about Excel, Com ports and a thing called cheapcom. Can anyone tell me where I can get a copy of cheapcom?
Can any on help me. I am relatively new to Access and I have a database which I would like to make calls and store the results. I cannot seem to find any info on using the com port. Is it possible?
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