good. have you had problems with it?
I had one development issue and called their tech support and actually got a team member call me back twice to follow up.
bikerboy yes i tried that.
Denis YOU ARE AWESOME definitely reading your blog now. Originally I defined @tblName as varchar but the whole return value of query was throwing me off.
SET @MaxId = SELECT MAX(id) FROM @tblName
DOESN'T work , i need to return maxid of a tablename that is a parameter
CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.sp_SubmitRequest2 (
@Deadline varchar(50),
@Requested varchar(50),
@RequestedBy varchar(50),
@RequestedFor varchar(50),
pretty sure it's simple answer but so many ajax articles and none of my searches have returned a solution.
Trying to reference my .net web service that recieves a string and returns a string.
i seem to be getting an error on this line whatsthematter.asmx/SayHello");
function call_server()
There is a way to do this using HTTP header:
but I don't understand the example given:
Content-disposition: attachment; filename=fname.ext
When you serve a document from a Web server, you might want to immediately prompt the user to save...
if i have a datagridview that is populated with an xml file.
I have images in a resource file that i'd like to show in the datagridview based on values in one of the column say light
foreach (DataRow dr in myDataSet.Tables["tblXMLExport"].Rows)
switch (dr["Light"].ToString())
thanks for responding stevexf
i will into your first suggestion there will be 50 xml files one each on 50 some desktops.
i'll likely add a counter column to the DB Table just because more comofortable and have a tight deadline.
but i am going to look into your checksum later it sounds like...
i understand if i am running an Application that loads in xml, i make changes and i call dataadapter to update the sql table.
what i don't understand is if i have an app that is mostly offline. several times app is opened and closed only saving xml file to hard drive, on the rare occasion it's...
NEED TO RETURN a dataset:
this is how I would do it going directly from a windows form to sql server:
private void RetrieveData()
DBConnStr = "Data Source=blah, blah, blah";
SqlConnection SQLCn = new SqlConnection(DBConnStr);
i should clarify GreenLight0 (all the lights) are images on a winform.
I tried
private void ClearLights(int i)
But obviously there is something more to it.
basically i have 5 stoplights and when user changes the from red to green i clear all images of that stop light with the clearLights function but since I have 5 stoplights i created 5 ClearLights Functions, is there a way to just have one and pass the integer of through so I can change...
scenario is I am reading an xml file and i need to show how one would display links as links, i should be able to do this in c# or using xslt and javascript: here is where i am having a problem with the javascript:
\\Reading in Layer
var strTemp = document.all["kyle"].innerHTML;
For i = 0 To Me.ListLegalTheories.ListCount - 1
If DCount("[LegalTheoryID]", "Matrix", "[FactID] = " & DMax("[FACTID]", "FACTS") & " AND [LegalTheoryID]= " & Me.ListLegalTheories.ItemData(i)) > 0 Then
Me.ListLegalTheories.Selected(i) = True
End If
Next i...
basically I have a matrix, when a user enters in a fact, they catergorize it by legal theories. so when someone edit's this fact the listbox should select the items already associated with this item. If user makes changes by unselecting then update button would remove from the matrix all entries...
Quick question, i want to replace the webaddress to reflect the new location in 118 sql text fields. so i am reading them in, doing regex.replace so I can do an update the text fields.
The following works:
messageReplaced = Regex.Replace(message, "intranet", "dcintranet");
However this desired...
Wasn't sure where to put his in ASP or IIS, but IIS didn't appear to be very active: here's the link to the post.
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