Unfortunately not, the AutoFilter only looks at each individual column so it removes all blank rows, regardless of whether the other column has blanks in the same row or not. That's why I tried to do it with the Advanced Filter so that I could make it look at 2 columns at the same time. Does...
What I want to do:
IF the row in Column AG and AH are both blank then don’t show that row, but if only one of the columns contain a blank or both contain data then show that row.
I tried this with an advanced Filter, doing an AND but it doesn't work. If I filter using <> under 1 column...
You will be SOOOOoooo glad to know, it worked perfectly! Thank you so much for taking the time with me. I work with applications only, but I have found this fascinating and think I will continue with the learning.
Again, many thanks for all your help.
I used your code as follows:
Sub Testing()
' Testing Macro
Dim r As Range, ws As Worksheet, i As Integer
Set ws = ActiveSheet
i = 1
For Each r In [List]
ws.[D1].AutoFilter _
Field:=4, _
Sorry for being so slow! I'm also sorry for being such a nuisance. I created the range, but when I ran the code it actually copied and pasted the range I had created as opposed to the rows of data.
I'm getting an End Time Error '424'
Object Required
at this line:
For Each r In [106, 107, 108, 110, 111, 114, 116, 119, 127, 139, 140, 161, 175, 187, 192, 194]
They are the unique values in my list. Have I written them incorrectly?
I tried the new code and got caught in a loop, I managed to stop it at 87 workbooks! I had a look in some of the books and it was the same set of rows that was copied each time. I can see now that I need to copy row 1 (the headings) to each book, but might have to cut the result of the filter...
Sorry, I obviously haven't explained myself very well. The result of the filter on column D could be any amount of rows, so I could get 2 rows from the result, but equally there could be 20 rows in the result. Each filtered result is to be moved to a completely new workbook. So if I filter...
I'm very excited cos I nearly have it! This is the code i put in based on what I've been picking up in some tutorials on the net and what you have told me to do:
Sub Testing()
' Testing Macro
Dim x As Integer
x = Range("D1").Select
ActiveCell.Offset(x + 1, 0).Select
If Not...
Thats where I get stumped. I was hoping that I might be able to ask it to look at the first value in column d, create a filter to show only the repeat of that value, then when I take out that value (will have to use a Cut) that it can then look for the next value in column d and repeat the...
Unfortunately, I can't construct a table of the criteria, as the values in the D column change every time I get sent a new book. The only thing that remains the same, is that column D is always numbers, never text.
Hi again
Thanks for your continued help. I've done as you suggested and this is the code I've generated:
Sub Test()
' Test Macro
Selection.AutoFilter Field:=4, Criteria1:="106"
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues...
Thanks for your reply. I've spent the time since posting searching the net trying to get a handle on VBA code. As you suggested, I recorded a macro and this is the result:
Sub Test()
' Test Macro
I receive a sheet each week with the data in the following format. What I have to do is select rows based on the number in col D then move those rows to a new workbook. So all the rows with 10 in the D col go into a new book, then all the rows with 12 in the D col go into another new book etc...
Thanks again - you put me on the right trail! I see that now I have to create the style separately from the multilevel list (unlike before) and when I go to the multilevel list area, I click on the More button at the bottom, and click the down arrow beside Link level to style: then choose the...
Hi and thanks for replying. I've gone through those steps, but I'm still unable to create a style with the outline numbering. When I create a new style and click on the Format - Numbering... button - there is a Numbering tab heading and a Bullets tab heading, but no Outline Numbering tab...
In Word 2003 I used to be able to create a style - Format menu - New - name it, then click on the Format button - Numbering - then select Outline Numbering - Then when I made my Table of Contents, the Numbering was brought into the TOC at the start of the text. The option to pick Outline...
You are allowed to put in 25 separate items into a Word drop down field - I would like to place more than that, say 40. How do I do this? Also, the character width per line, is 50 characters, can this be extended?
Many thanks
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