containerSearch.searchByFilter(profileName, filter, scope)
profileName the name of the organizational container profile to use
filter LDAP search filter that defines the criteria for returned containers to meet. the filter must be in the format defined by RFC2254
scope optional search scope...
filt and rolefilt are filters with how the search is being done..rolefilt for example = "erparent=erglobalid=10732342933*)
searchbyFilter help
let me know if you have any other questions..
hey everyone i am having a hard time figuring this out, just seeing if anyone has any ideas..
the process.auditEvent are just like Print i can see where the data is getting lost..i am losing the data on the second container search right after the SearchByFilter..i know this cause the...
hey everyone i am having a hard time figuring this out, just seeing if anyone has any ideas..
the process.auditEvent are just like Print i can see where data is getting lost..i am losing the data on the second container search right after the SearchByFilter..i know this cause the length...
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